2nd Amendment
- 2nd Amendment: Guaranteeing all our other freedoms
- A few more rounds
- A.B. 1227 — Letter of opposition
- A.B. 1227 — Letter of opposition
- A.B. 2552 — Letter of opposition
- An insecure sense of security
- Armed citizens stop massacres
- Compensation
- Concealed carry reciprocity
- Cosponsor the SHORT Act!
- Cosponsor the SHORT Act!
- Defend PLCAA protections
- Don’t cave in on gun legislation
- Don’t let Congress pass anti-gun measures
- Don’t let Congress pass anti-gun measures
- Don’t rubber-stamp gun control
- Don’t use the Omnibus to pass anti-gun Fix NICS
- Dueling headlines: Obama on gun violence
- Dueling headlines: School safety edition
- Fix APPS now
- Focus on the real problems, not on the guns
- Granting statehood to D.C. is a threat to our constitutional republic and the 2A
- Gun control works great …
- Guns don’t kill people …
- Help President Trump defend our Second Amendment rights
- I support the use of firearms on public lands
- It’s time to deregulate suppressors
- Moral relativism and ‘gun control’
- New gun laws won’t secure our border
- No gun control power grabs
- No on H.R. 5717
- No on S. 3254
- Oppose ‘ghost gun’ bans
- Oppose A.B. 1014
- Oppose A.B. 1609
- Oppose A.B. 2607
- Oppose A.B. 962
- Oppose ATF nominee David Chipman
- Oppose Biden’s radical, anti-gun picks for Attorney General and HHS Director
- Oppose Biden’s unconstitutional executive gun orders
- Oppose CA A.B. 1223 — taxing gun ownership
- Oppose CA A.B. 311 — ban on precursor parts at gun shows
- Oppose CA S.B. 264
- Oppose H.R. 125
- Oppose H.R. 1585
- Oppose H.R. 167 — FFL requirements for gun show transfers
- Oppose H.R. 8, H.R. 1112, and S. 42
- Oppose HR 8771
- Oppose S.B. 199
- Oppose S.B. 249
- Oppose S.B. 53
- Oppose S.B. 808
- Oppose William Barr’s gun control
- Oppose firearms licensing and registration
- Oppose gun control
- Oppose magazine capacity bills
- Oppose these anti-gun bills
- Oppose universal background check legislation
- Please cosponsor and vote for H.R. 4980
- Please do not cosponsor S. 7
- Please oppose A.B. 1223, A.B. 1237, and A.B. 1509
- Please oppose A.B. 2888
- Please oppose S.B. 211, S.B. 1100, S.B. 1177, S.B. 1487, and A.B. 2103
- Please oppose new gun control legislation
- Please oppose the gun control legislation unveiled by Rep. Maloney
- Please sign the Budd Letter
- Please support H.R. 822
- Please withdraw H.R. 127
- Protect the Second Amendment and vote no on H.R. 8 and H.R. 1112
- Reject Chipman for ATF
- Reject H.R. 1207 — the federal ban on online ammo sales
- Reject H.R. 1454 — an extremely anti-gun bill
- SB 1384 — Letter of opposition
- SB 918 — Letter of opposition
- Shame on you for confirming Merrick Garland
- Sowell: Fact-Free Crusades
- Stop H.R. 130 — Forced Safe Storage, Investigation of Reports
- Stop H.R. 8 and H.R. 1112
- Support H.R. 193
- Support H.R. 38
- Support S. 1522
- Support S. 446
- Support S. 446 and H.R. 38
- Support concealed carry reciprocity
- Support constitutional carry reciprocity legislation
- Thank you for cosponsoring H.R. 38
- Thank you for opposing Canterbury
- Thank you for opposing Merrick Garland
- Thank you for supporting concealed carry reciprocity
- Thank you for supporting the Second Amendment
- The NDAA
- Veto all gun control bills
- Vote no on gun confiscation legislation
- Your vote was appalling
Apple Valley
Barack Hussein Obama
- 17 reasons not to vote for Obama
- A real president would stand up for American and Americans
- Amnesty does NOT help U.S. citizens
- Amnesty harms American workers
- Block attacks on freedom of speech
- Calling a liar a liar
- Cap-and-trade is a big tax
- Continuing to import foreign workers
- Deficits
- Defunding 287(g)
- Don’t ignore immigration officers
- Dueling headlines: Obama on gun violence
- E-Verify
- Eagle replaced by skunk
- Executive amnesty
- Fed up with spending and debt
- Fire Napolitano Immediately
- Fort Hood’s 9/11
- Help save our environment by reducing immigration
- Hydrogen Barackside
- I oppose your proposed amnesty
- I’ve had it with you and your administration
- Is Obama a citizen?
- Kill ObamaCare Bill H.R. 3962
- My work here is done
- Napolitano must go
- No ‘comprehensive immigration reform’
- No DREAM Act amnesty
- No amnesty
- No amnesty
- No amnesty
- No executive amnesty!
- No new amnesty
- No to fast-track, no to socialized health care
- Now that’s thrifty!
- Obama Policies Have Put America at Risk
- Obama meets the Pope
- Obama on financial responsibility
- Obama on suspending deportations
- Obama’s accomplishments
- Obama’s lies
- Obama’s true faith
- Obama’s unsustainable course for our economy
- Obama: ‘We Noticed’
- Obama: DHS ‘extremists’
- Obamanomics explained
- Obstructionist!
- Oppose S. 744
- Planned economy or planned destruction?
- Protect our unemployed
- Pushing Americans out of jobs
- Real security
- Stop filling our jobs with foreign workers
- Stop work permits for illegals
- Strengthen our southern border
- Suspend Non-Essential Immigration
- The balance of powers under Obama
- The multi-trillion dollar cost of amnesty
- The truly dismal state of the union
- Time to celebrate
- Visualizing Obama’s budget cuts
- We need yet more birth control
- Who am I?
- Words and pictures
- Your multi-trillion-dollar budget
Barbara Boxer
- $6.3 trillion cost of amnesty
- ‘American Center’ opposes amnesty
- ‘Economic stimulus’ payments to illegal aliens
- ‘Union’ amnesty
- 33 million immigrants!
- AP: Backlash against foreign tech workers
- AP: Backlash against foreign tech workers
- Abolish birthright citizenship
- American cities should not provide ‘sanctuary’ for foreign criminals
- Amnestied illegals won’t have to pay income taxes?
- An Op-Ed from The Hill you may have missed
- Any ‘stimulus’ package must protect American jobs
- Appalled by the amnesty bill
- Auto industry bailouts
- Bad Border Bill Could Worsen Border Surge
- Block attacks on freedom of speech
- Cap-and-trade is a big tax
- Combat the push to increase H-1B numbers
- Congress increases H-2B visas in 2016
- Congress must prevent fast track for Pacific free trade deal
- Continue to oppose S. 388
- DHS: Refugee influx could bring terrorists
- DREAM Act support
- Democrats can reverse Obama’s amnesty in DHS spending bill
- Democrats need to back American workers by passing E-Verify
- Disney forces tech workers to train H-1B replacements
- Do not to repeat last year’s expansion of H-2B guest-worker program
- Do you support further illegal amnesties?
- Don’t defund 287(g)
- Don’t expand H-2B visas in 2017
- Don’t ignore American concerns over high immigration after Brexit vote
- Don’t support Bambam’s amnesty
- E-Verify poll numbers
- Earth Day
- End ‘Wet Foot, Dry Foot’ policy
- End birthright citizenship
- End birthright citizenship!
- End sanctuary cities
- End sanctuary cities
- End sanctuary city funding
- End the visa lottery
- Enforce our immigration laws
- Even ‘centrists’ don’t want amnesty
- Even union members don’t like amnesty
- Facebook can’t prove worker shortage
- Fed up with spending and debt
- Fewer U.S.-Born Workers Have Jobs
- Fight income inequality: Oppose further immigration
- Fight plans to house illegal aliens across the country
- Fire Napolitano Immediately
- Fort Hood’s 9/11
- Gang of Eight shunning law enforcement
- H-1B spouses
- H-1B visas
- Halt the resettlement of refugess from terror-sponsoring nations until national security risks can be assessed
- Help abolish birthright citizenship
- Help save our environment by reducing immigration
- High immigration caused middle class wages to drop
- Hypocrisy in hiring
- Illegal aliens’ crimes expose Obama’s illegal amnesty
- Illegals do NOT have the right to work
- Immigration principles
- Is Obama a citizen?
- Keep foreign criminals in jail
- Keep our borders secure
- Kill ObamaCare Bill H.R. 3962
- LEOs oppose amnesty
- Listen to Chris Crane
- March jobs report
- Mass immigration makes homegrown terrorism more likely
- Most don’t believe border security is in the works
- NO to DREAM Act amnesty
- NO to immigration ‘reform’
- Napolitano must go
- New CIS report shows massive immigrant population growth
- New report shows impact of immigration on less educated workers
- New study demolishes STEM worker myth
- No ‘comprehensive immigration reform’
- No DREAM Act
- No DREAM Act amnesty
- No additional refugee funding or H-2B increases
- No amnesty
- No amnesty
- No amnesty
- No amnesty conference
- No housing for illegals!
- No lame duck session
- No more foreign workers
- No new amnesty
- No special visas for illegals
- No tax credits for illegal aliens
- No to fast-track, no to socialized health care
- No to fast-track, no to socialized health care
- No to government ‘health care’
- No to the Copenhagen Climate Treaty
- No to the DREAM Act
- No to the DREAM Act
- Obama: DHS ‘extremists’
- Oppose Cuellar/Cornyn border bill
- Oppose DREAM Act
- Oppose DREAM Act amnesty
- Oppose David Hamilton
- Oppose Democrat illegal alien amnesty
- Oppose Gramnesty
- Oppose H-2B foreign worker increases
- Oppose H-2B visa bill
- Oppose Obama amnesty
- Oppose Obama’s amnesty
- Oppose S. 1033
- Oppose S. 3192
- Oppose S. 3217
- Oppose S. 744
- Oppose S. 955
- Oppose SOPA / PIPA
- Oppose Schumer amnesty
- Oppose amnesty
- Oppose executive action amnesty
- Oppose health care reconciliation
- Oppose increases in H-1B visas
- Oppose the DREAM Act
- Oppose the DREAM Act (S. 2075)
- Oppose the Gang of Eight’s immigration ‘reform’ bill
- Oppose the Moran amendment
- Pass S. 577
- Petition: 10 steps to fix our broken immigration enforcement system
- Planned economy or planned destruction?
- Please REJECT Socialized Health Care!
- Please stop forcing U.S. population growth
- Please support H.R. 822
- Poll Shows Opposition to Executive Amnesty, Support for Enforcement
- Poll Shows that More Americans Want Immigration Decrease
- Protect U.S. jobs
- Protect our unemployed
- Put American workers first by reducing immigration
- Put Americans before illegal aliens
- Put Americans first this Labor Day by reducing immigration and ending illegal-alien hiring
- Reauthorize E-Verify
- Reduce immigration
- Reduce immigration and put American workers first
- Reject Pelosi’s ‘un-Americanism’
- Reject taxpayer-funded lawyers for illegal aliens
- S. 9 cosponsorship
- Secure our border
- Sen. Sessions Exposes White House’s Role in Border Influx
- Sen. Sessions calls for lower immigration levels
- Senate must act to eliminate sanctuary localities
- Stand with border enforcement
- Stop ‘extra’ visas
- Stop Costa Rica from helping Cubans enter U.S.
- Stop DHS smuggling of illegal aliens
- Stop Judge David Hamilton now
- Stop Obama Administration program paying to relocate illegal aliens
- Stop Obama amnesty
- Stop Obama’s ‘Abortion Czar’
- Stop Obama’s illegal executive amnesties
- Stop Obama’s unfair, illegal-alien tax credits
- Stop S. 744
- Stop Supporting Sanctuary Cities and Illegal Aliens
- Stop Syrian refugee settlement in the U.S.
- Stop filling our jobs with foreign workers
- Stop immigration now
- Stop paying to relocate illegal aliens
- Stop preferential treatment of H-1B workers
- Stop prosecuting Arizona
- Stop supporting amnesty
- Support Americans, oppose DREAM Act amnesty
- Support E-Verify
- Support E-Verify
- Support ICE agents’ suit
- Support S. 1845
- Support U.S. workers
- Support jobs for U.S. citizens
- Support mandatory E-Verify
- Supporting sanctuaries of crime and violence
- Suspend immigration
- Syrian refugee resettlement raises major security concerns
- Tell HHS no warehousing of illegals in California
- The ‘labor shortage’
- The Gang of Eight’s amnesty is filled with loopholes
- The Schumer-Rubio amnesty is horrible
- The multi-trillion dollar cost of amnesty
- Three conditions for emergency funding
- Time to take action against sanctuary cities
- Troubled by your pro-amnesty vote
- Trump details immigration plan to help American workers
- U.S. granted 1 million green cards in 2014
- Unions oppose H-2B increases
- Vote ‘no’ on this latest amnesty
- Vote no on the Hagel/Martinez proposal
- Voters support Jordan Commission recommendations
- Wages belie claims of a labor shortage
- We need E-Verify
- We need E-Verify
- Why do you hate American workers?
- Will Obama’s new AG reject executive amnesty?
- You should have supported Sessions’ amendment
- Young Americans deserve jobs
- Your multi-trillion-dollar budget
- 55 Reasons Why California Is The Worst State in America
- Block A.B. 1544
- California vehicle registration increase
- Concealed carry reciprocity
- Conserving water, and California
- Defeat A.B. 1544
- Defeat ACA 27
- Defeat ACA 27
- Drop all charges against CMP defendants
- Emulate Brewer
- False Obama nomination papers
- More Sarahs and fewer Arnolds
- NO on A.B. 1544
- No eminent domain for residential mortgages
- No privileges for illegals
- No state benefits for illegals
- Oppose Illegal-Alien Detainer Bill
- Oppose S.B. 249
- Please support H.R. 822
- Put U.S. citizens in U.S. jobs
- Stop Supporting Sanctuary Cities and Illegal Aliens
- Stop prosecuting Arizona
- The California Coyote vs the Arizona Coyote
- Veto A.B. 1081
- Veto A.B. 1081
- Veto A.B. 2189
- Veto A.B. 2189 and A.B. 1081
- Veto anti-employment verification legislation
- Veto in-state tuition for illegals
- Veto limits on illegal alien detainers
- Vote no on A.B. 1081
Dianne Feinstein
- $6.3 trillion cost of amnesty
- ‘American Center’ opposes amnesty
- ‘Economic stimulus’ payments to illegal aliens
- ‘Union’ amnesty
- 33 million immigrants!
- AP: Backlash against foreign tech workers
- AP: Backlash against foreign tech workers
- Abandon the DACA amnesty push
- Abolish birthright citizenship
- Abolish birthright citizenship for illegal aliens
- Abolish birthright citizenship for illegal aliens
- American cities should not provide ‘sanctuary’ for foreign criminals
- Amnestied illegals won’t have to pay income taxes?
- An Op-Ed from The Hill you may have missed
- Any ‘stimulus’ package must protect American jobs
- Appalled by the amnesty bill
- Auto industry bailouts
- Bad Border Bill Could Worsen Border Surge
- Block attacks on freedom of speech
- Bring down H-1B numbers!
- Cap-and-trade is a big tax
- Check out the results of this new poll
- Combat the push to increase H-1B numbers
- Confirm Brett Kavanaugh
- Confirm Kavanaugh now
- Confirm Senator Sessions for Attorney General
- Congress increases H-2B visas in 2016
- Congress must prevent fast track for Pacific free trade deal
- Cosponsor mandatory E-Verify legislation
- Cosponsors of the 30×30 resolution must address immigration if they want to save nature
- Cotton bill would end chain migration and visa lottery
- DHS: Refugee influx could bring terrorists
- Democrats can reverse Obama’s amnesty in DHS spending bill
- Democrats cannot ignore misguided immigration policies
- Democrats need to back American workers by passing E-Verify
- Disney forces tech workers to train H-1B replacements
- Do not to repeat last year’s expansion of H-2B guest-worker program
- Do you support further illegal amnesties?
- Don’t defund 287(g)
- Don’t expand H-2B visas in 2017
- Don’t ignore American concerns over high immigration after Brexit vote
- Don’t increase H-2B visas
- Don’t support Bambam’s amnesty
- Don’t trade amnesty for border security
- E-Verify as a deterrent
- E-Verify poll numbers
- Earth Day
- Ecological disruption increases zoonosis and is exacerbated by immigration-driven population growth
- End ‘Wet Foot, Dry Foot’ policy
- End birthright citizenship
- End birthright citizenship
- End birthright citizenship!
- End chain migration and the visa lottery
- End chain migration and visa lottery
- End sanctuary cities
- End sanctuary cities
- End sanctuary city funding
- End the visa lottery
- Enforce our immigration laws
- Even ‘centrists’ don’t want amnesty
- Even union members don’t like amnesty
- Facebook and Google lied to us
- Facebook can’t prove worker shortage
- Fed up with spending and debt
- Fewer U.S.-Born Workers Have Jobs
- Fight income inequality: Oppose further immigration
- Fight plans to house illegal aliens across the country
- Fire Napolitano Immediately
- Fort Hood’s 9/11
- Fund border security
- Gang of Eight shunning law enforcement
- H-1B spouses
- H-1B visas
- Halt the resettlement of refugess from terror-sponsoring nations until national security risks can be assessed
- Have you seen the latest Harvard-Harris poll?
- Help President Trump defend our Second Amendment rights
- Help abolish birthright citizenship
- Help save our environment by reducing immigration
- Help stop the Biden amnesty
- High immigration caused middle class wages to drop
- Hypocrisy in hiring
- Illegal aliens’ crimes expose Obama’s illegal amnesty
- Illegals do NOT have the right to work
- Immigration policy should benefit American workers
- Immigration principles
- Is Obama a citizen?
- It is time for Congress to act on the border crisis
- It’s time to act on President Trump’s State of the Union message
- Just say NO to amnesty
- Keep foreign criminals in jail
- Keep our borders secure
- Kill ObamaCare Bill H.R. 3962
- LEOs oppose amnesty
- Labor Department statistics prove no ‘labor shortage’
- Listen to Chris Crane
- Mandatory E-Verify would shut off the jobs magnet and help end illegal immigration
- Mandatory E-Verify would shut off the jobs magnet and help end illegal immigration
- March jobs report
- Mass immigration makes homegrown terrorism more likely
- Most don’t believe border security is in the works
- Most voters want immigration cuts
- NO amnesty in the budget bill
- NO to DREAM Act amnesty
- NO to H-2B increases!
- NO to immigration ‘reform’
- NYT’s Leonhardt to Democrats: Lower immigration
- Napolitano must go
- New CIS report shows massive immigrant population growth
- New poll shows concern over our border crisis
- New report shows impact of immigration on less educated workers
- New study demolishes STEM worker myth
- No ‘comprehensive immigration reform’
- No DACA amnesty; E-Verify instead
- No DREAM Act amnesty
- No additional refugee funding or H-2B increases
- No amnesty
- No amnesty
- No amnesty
- No amnesty conference
- No amnesty for DACA recipients
- No amnesty for illegal aliens
- No amnesty, no visa lottery, no chain migration
- No healthcare for illegal aliens
- No housing for illegals!
- No impeachment
- No lame duck session
- No more foreign workers
- No new amnesty
- No on S. 388
- No special visas for illegals
- No tax credits for illegal aliens
- No to fast-track, no to socialized health care
- No to fast-track, no to socialized health care
- No to government ‘health care’
- No to the Copenhagen Climate Treaty
- No to the DREAM Act
- No to the DREAM Act
- Obama: DHS ‘extremists’
- Oppose ATF nominee David Chipman
- Oppose American-worker-harming provisions in the spending bill
- Oppose Cuellar/Cornyn border bill
- Oppose DREAM Act
- Oppose DREAM Act amnesty
- Oppose David Hamilton
- Oppose Democrat illegal alien amnesty
- Oppose Gramnesty
- Oppose H-2B Increase
- Oppose H-2B foreign worker increases
- Oppose H-2B increase
- Oppose H-2B visa bill
- Oppose H-2B visa increases
- Oppose Obama amnesty
- Oppose Obama’s amnesty
- Oppose S. 1033
- Oppose S. 3192
- Oppose S. 3217
- Oppose S. 744
- Oppose S. 955
- Oppose SOPA / PIPA
- Oppose Schumer amnesty
- Oppose all amnesties
- Oppose amnesty
- Oppose executive action amnesty
- Oppose immigration increases in emergency spending bills
- Oppose increases in H-1B visas
- Oppose the $26 billion DREAM Act
- Oppose the DREAM Act
- Oppose the DREAM Act (S. 2075)
- Oppose the Gang of Eight’s immigration ‘reform’ bill
- Oppose the Graham-Durbin DREAM amnesty
- Oppose the Graham-Durbin-Flake amnesty deal
- Oppose the Moran amendment
- Pass S. 577
- Pass legislation to end the border crisis
- Pass mandatory E-Verify
- Pass the RAISE Act
- Pass the RAISE Act to increase real wages
- Petition: 10 steps to fix our broken immigration enforcement system
- Planned economy or planned destruction?
- Please REJECT Socialized Health Care!
- Please confirm Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court
- Please implement the biometric entry-exit system
- Please oppose the budget reconciliation amnesty
- Please pass H.R. 3003, the No Sanctuary for Criminals Act
- Please stop forcing U.S. population growth
- Please support H.R. 822
- Please support enforcement of the public charge rule
- Please vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh
- Please vote to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh
- Please vote to confirm Neil Gorsuch
- Please vote to confirm Senator Sessions as AG
- Please withdraw your sponsorship of the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021
- Poll Shows Opposition to Executive Amnesty, Support for Enforcement
- Poll Shows that More Americans Want Immigration Decrease
- Protect U.S. jobs
- Protect our unemployed
- Put American workers first by reducing immigration
- Put Americans before illegal aliens
- Put Americans first this Labor Day by reducing immigration and ending illegal-alien hiring
- Rasmussen immigration poll supports E-Verify
- Reauthorize E-Verify
- Reduce immigration
- Reduce immigration and put American workers first
- Reduce immigration back to traditional levels
- Reject Pelosi’s ‘un-Americanism’
- Reject taxpayer-funded lawyers for illegal aliens
- Secure our border
- Sen. Sessions Exposes White House’s Role in Border Influx
- Sen. Sessions calls for lower immigration levels
- Senate must act to eliminate sanctuary localities
- Serious about immigration? Push E-Verify
- Shame on you for funding Obama’s illegal executive amnesty
- Shut down the circus and confirm Kavanaugh
- Stand with border enforcement
- Stop ‘extra’ visas
- Stop Costa Rica from helping Cubans enter U.S.
- Stop DHS smuggling of illegal aliens
- Stop EB-5 increases
- Stop Judge David Hamilton now
- Stop Obama Administration program paying to relocate illegal aliens
- Stop Obama amnesty
- Stop Obama’s ‘Abortion Czar’
- Stop Obama’s illegal executive amnesties
- Stop Obama’s unfair, illegal-alien tax credits
- Stop S. 744
- Stop Supporting Sanctuary Cities and Illegal Aliens
- Stop Syrian refugee settlement in the U.S.
- Stop filling our jobs with foreign workers
- Stop healthcare plan from giving tax credits to illegal aliens
- Stop immigration now
- Stop paying to relocate illegal aliens
- Stop preferential treatment of H-1B workers
- Stop prosecuting Arizona
- Stop the Biden amnesty
- Support Americans, oppose DREAM Act amnesty
- Support E-Verify
- Support E-Verify
- Support ICE agents’ suit
- Support President Trump’s border security request
- Support President Trump’s immigration Executive Order!
- Support President Trump’s immigration principles
- Support S. 1845
- Support S. 446
- Support Trump’s call for mandatory E-Verify and ending chain migration
- Support Trump’s immigration principles
- Support U.S. workers
- Support concealed carry reciprocity
- Support constitutional carry reciprocity legislation
- Support immigration enforcement
- Support jobs for U.S. citizens
- Support mandatory E-Verify
- Support mandatory E-Verify
- Support the RAISE Act
- Support the sanctuary city bill
- Supporting sanctuaries of crime and violence
- Suspend immigration
- Syrian refugee resettlement raises major security concerns
- Take action on our border crisis
- Tell Congress to end birthright citizenship
- Tell HHS no warehousing of illegals in California
- Thanks for opposing the sale of U.S. visas
- That explains it
- The ‘labor shortage’
- The Gang of Eight’s amnesty is filled with loopholes
- The OPT program is harmful to U.S. workers seeking employment
- The Schumer-Rubio amnesty is horrible
- The most outrageous worker importation bill ever
- The multi-trillion dollar cost of amnesty
- Three conditions for emergency funding
- Time to take action against sanctuary cities
- Troubled by your pro-amnesty vote
- Trump details immigration plan to help American workers
- Trump’s Executive Order enhances national security and establishes refugee limits
- U.S. granted 1 million green cards in 2014
- U.S. immigration policy contributing to crisis in bird populations
- Unions oppose H-2B increases
- Vote ‘no’ on this latest amnesty
- Vote no on the Hagel/Martinez proposal
- Vote to end sanctuary cities
- Voters support Jordan Commission recommendations
- Wages belie claims of a labor shortage
- We need E-Verify
- We need E-Verify
- What about spying on U.S. citizens?
- Will Obama’s new AG reject executive amnesty?
- You failed to keep amnesty out of the budget reconciliation resolution
- You must stop the asylum-seeker caravan
- You should have supported Sessions’ amendment
- Young Americans deserve jobs
- Your multi-trillion-dollar budget
Donald J. Trump
- Abandon amnesty and guest worker increase
- Be pro-active, not reactive
- Close the Landlord Taskforce
- Don’t issue those 35k additional H-2B visas
- Drain The Swamp
- Ensure border funding is approved
- Fix immigration
- Fix vote fraud
- Fix your foreign policy
- I support ending chain immigration and the visa lottery
- My ‘amnesty’ proposal
- No DACA ‘road to citizenship’
- No DACA amnesty!
- Oppose DACA Amnesty
- Push Congress to mandate E-Verify
- Reduce green card numbers
- Reduce immigration
- Reduce immigration to help more americans return to work
- Reduce legal immigration
- Reopen America
- Support Rep. Goodlatte’s H.R 4760
- Support S. 446 and H.R. 38
- Thank you for ending DAPA amnesty
- Thank you for holding federal agencies accountable
- Thank you for suspending more work visa categories
- Veto any spending bills that don’t fund your enforcement priorities
- 206 House Democrats sponsor massive amnesty bill
- Any border legislation must close asylum loopholes and mandate E-Verify
- Attach H.R. 2 to must-pass legislation to end the border crisis
- Biden-Harris ‘root causes’ approach has failed
- Congress needs to pass E-Verify to end illegal immigration
- Cosponsor E-Verify bill S. 156
- Cosponsor H.R. 319, the Legal Workforce Act
- Cosponsor and pass H.R. 4340
- Cosponsor mandatory E-Verify legislation
- Cosponsor the Accountability Through Electronic Verification Act
- Cosponsor the SAVE Act, H.R. 830
- Democrats need to back American workers by passing E-Verify
- Democrats should not use immigration to cut wages
- Don’t launder illegal immigration; end it
- Don’t trade a DACA amnesty for border security
- E-Verify
- E-Verify poll numbers
- E-Verify will help restore order at the border
- End Migrant Child Labor Violations with H.R. 2
- End human trafficking and smuggling and cosponsor E-Verify bill S. 156
- End the border crisis
- Federal policy is exacerbating groundwater shortages
- H.R. 5038 = Amnesty & indentured servitude
- I’m glad you support mandatory E-Verify
- Immigration policies add further strain to groundwater supplies
- Immigration policies add further strain to groundwater supplies
- Mandate E-Verify
- Mandate E-Verify
- Mandate E-Verify, end chain migration
- Mandatory E-Verify would shut off the jobs magnet and help end illegal immigration
- Mass immigration causes Black Americans to lose jobs
- No DACA amnesty!
- Oppose the Graham-Durbin-Flake amnesty deal
- Pass American LAWS Act
- Pass E-Verify
- Pass mandatory E-Verify
- Please support mandatory E-Verify
- Protect American jobs
- Protect E-Verify
- Protect U.S. manufacturing jobs with mandatory E-Verify
- Push Congress to mandate E-Verify
- Push E-Verify legislation
- Rasmussen immigration poll supports E-Verify
- Re-authorize E-Verify permanently
- Serious about immigration? Push E-Verify
- Sign H.R. 2 into law to end the border crisis
- Stand up for E-Verify
- Support E-Verify
- Support E-Verify
- Support H.R. 2 to end the border crisis
- Support President Trump’s immigration principles