If Rubio’s amnesty is so great, why is he lying?
by Ann Coulter
When Republicans start lying like Democrats, you can guess they are pushing an idea that’s bad for America. During his William Ginsburg-like tour of the Sunday talk shows last weekend, Sen. Marco Rubio was the Mount Vesuvius of lies about his immigration bill.
Here is how Rubio explained the powerful border-enforcing mechanism in his bill on “Fox News Sunday,” which he denied was merely a meaningless goal:
“Basically, Homeland Security will have five years to meet that goal. If after five years, Homeland Security has not met that number, it will trigger the Border Commission, who will then take over this issue for them.”
So the water torture awaiting the Department of Homeland Security if it fails to secure the border is … ANOTHER GOVERNMENT COMMISSION WILL BE CREATED! Take that, Homeland Security! Ha — we have you now!
The only thing more frightening than “another government commission” is a “strongly worded letter.”
If you think Republicans are Hispandering now, wait until the children of 20 million illegal aliens start to vote. Rubio’s amnesty isn’t just bad for America, it’s the end of America.
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