$6.3 trillion cost of amnesty
‘American Center’ opposes amnesty
‘Comprehensive immigration reform’ will harm Americans
‘Economic stimulus’ payments to illegal aliens
‘Immigration principles’
‘No Conference’
‘Union’ amnesty
2 million encounters on southern border this year. Secure the border.
33 million immigrants!
A devastating blow to our solvency
A few more rounds
A potential security risk: Oppose S. 4787
A real president would stand up for American and Americans
A.B. 1227 — Letter of opposition
A.B. 1227 — Letter of opposition
A.B. 2552 — Letter of opposition
AP: Backlash against foreign tech workers
AP: Backlash against foreign tech workers
Abandon amnesty and guest worker increase
Abandon the DACA amnesty push
Abolish birthright citizenship
Abolish birthright citizenship
Abolish birthright citizenship for illegal aliens
Abolish birthright citizenship for illegal aliens
Allow ICE to follow the law
Amend unpopular immigration policies
America is losing places to get away from it all
America needs The Secure the Border Act
America’s biodiversity loss
America’s wildlife can’t compete with high immigration. Support H.R. 7833
American cities should not provide ‘sanctuary’ for foreign criminals
American workers to rebuild after Katrina
Americans need access to untrampled open space
Americans want and need open space
Amnestied illegals won’t have to pay income taxes?
Amnesty does NOT help U.S. citizens
Amnesty harms American workers
Amnesty lies from the White House
Amnesty will sink us: Oppose radical amnesty
Amnesty won’t win the Latino vote
An Op-Ed from The Hill you may have missed
An immigration-reduction message for Earth Day
An immigration-reduction message on Earth Day
An insecure sense of security
An opportunity for Hungary
Another Town cover-up
Any ‘stimulus’ package must protect American jobs
Any border legislation must close asylum loopholes and mandate E-Verify
Appalled by the amnesty bill
Asylum abuse takes away jobs and depresses wages
Attach H.R. 2 to must-pass legislation to end the border crisis
Attach H.R. 2 to the Continuing Resolution
Audit the Federal Reserve Bank
Auto industry bailouts
Back the Freedom Caucus’ border plan!
Bad Border Bill Could Worsen Border Surge
Bailouts for billionaires
Bailouts for billionaires revisited
Balanced budget?
Ban all utility-scale renewable energy projects
Be fearless in defending America
Be pro-active, not reactive
Biden’s immigration policies are accelerating America’s population growth
Biden’s unconstitutional amnesty worsens border crisis
Biden-Harris ‘root causes’ approach has failed
Big business bragging that amnesty vote imminent
Bill would establish refugee cap of 60,000, Authorizes Congress, only, to make changes
Black voters are not aligned with Democratic immigration policies
Block A.B. 1544
Block S.B. 54 from passage
Block attacks on freedom of speech
Block passage of S.B. 54
Block sanctuary legislation
Block sanctuary legislation
Block sanctuary legislation
Block the TPS amnesty bill
Boarding house speed-rock
Boehner was wrong to hire Rebecca Tallent
Border crisis is making housing demand even worse
Border crossings remain at record-high levels
Border crossings tie lower wages with higher housing costs
Border enforcement, not more grants, is the solution for overburdened cities
Border security and ‘other than Mexicans’
Brat’s message needs to be heard by Republicans
Bring down H-1B numbers!
California business taxes
California nightmares
California vehicle registration increase
Call out the National Guard
Call out the National Guard
Calling a liar a liar
Cap-and-trade is a big tax
Catholics oppose amnesty
Check out the results of this new poll
Children pour across border looking for amnesty
Close the Landlord Taskforce
Co-sponsor H.R. 1100 to end the visa lottery!
Co-sponsor bill to end chain migration
Colorado River water shortage cannot be addressed without reducing population growth
Combat the push to increase H-1B numbers
Community Colleges
Concealed carry reciprocity
Confirm Brett Kavanaugh
Confirm Kavanaugh now
Confirm Senator Sessions for Attorney General
Congress asks Americans to sacrifice at the altar of eternal growth
Congress increases H-2B visas in 2016
Congress must lower immigration numbers
Congress must prevent fast track for Pacific free trade deal
Congress needs to address Cuban immigration, support bill to end special status
Congress needs to pass E-Verify to end illegal immigration
Conserve farmland
Conserve our farmland
Conserving water, and California
Continue to oppose S. 388
Continuing to import foreign workers
Cosponsor ‘no amnesty’ resolution
Cosponsor E-Verify bill S. 156
Cosponsor H.R. 140 to end birthright citizenship
Cosponsor H.R. 2278 to end the visa lottery
Cosponsor H.R. 2278 to end the visa lottery
Cosponsor H.R. 319, the Legal Workforce Act
Cosponsor H.R. 4050 to End Chain Migration
Cosponsor H.R. 6206, the American Tech Workforce Act of 2021
Cosponsor H.R. 704 to end the visa lottery
Cosponsor H.R. 7833 to end Chain Migration
Cosponsor H.R. 7833 to end chain migration
Cosponsor S. 4051 and support efforts to attach it to the FAA reauthorization bill
Cosponsor and pass H.R. 4340
Cosponsor bill to end chain migration
Cosponsor legislation to close immigration loopholes
Cosponsor mandatory E-Verify legislation
Cosponsor the Accountability Through Electronic Verification Act
Cosponsor the CLEAR Act (H.R. 3137)
Cosponsor the New IDEA Act (H.R. 1292)
Cosponsor the SAVE Act, H.R. 830
Cosponsor the SHORT Act!
Cosponsor the SHORT Act!
Cosponsor the bill to end chain migration
Cosponsors of the 30×30 resolution must address immigration if they want to save nature
Cotton bill would end chain migration and visa lottery
Cyber Security
DACA ruling should not distract you from the historic border crisis
DHS & Other Agencies
DHS malfeasance
DHS: Refugee influx could bring terrorists
DREAM Act support
Dark skies cannot compete with sky-high immigration rates
Defeat A.B. 1544
Defeat ACA 27
Defeat ACA 27
Defeat H.R. 5893
Defend PLCAA protections
Defund amnesty
Defund illegal aliens
Defunding 287(g)
Democratic cities are being overwhelmed by border surge
Democrats can reverse Obama’s amnesty in DHS spending bill
Democrats cannot ignore misguided immigration policies
Democrats need to back American workers by passing E-Verify
Democrats should not use immigration to cut wages
Disappointed in your vote on H.R. 1044
Disappointing vote in favor of guestworker amnesty
Disney forces tech workers to train H-1B replacements
Do NOT to sign amnesty Discharge Petition
Do not to repeat last year’s expansion of H-2B guest-worker program
Do you support further illegal amnesties?
Domestic Security
Don’t allow DACA illegal aliens to compete with Americans for government jobs
Don’t cave in on gun legislation
Don’t defund 287(g)
Don’t expand H-2B visas in 2017
Don’t ignore American concerns over high immigration after Brexit vote
Don’t increase H-2B visas
Don’t increase H-2B visas
Don’t issue those 35k additional H-2B visas
Don’t launder illegal immigration; end it
Don’t let Congress pass anti-gun measures
Don’t let Congress pass anti-gun measures
Don’t make Garcia’s mistake
Don’t pass any bill that provides a back door to amnesty
Don’t rubber-stamp gun control
Don’t sign the Coffman Discharge Petition
Don’t support Bambam’s amnesty
Don’t support H.R. 5893
Don’t trade a DACA amnesty for border security
Don’t trade amnesty for border security
Don’t undercut U.S. workers through immigration
Don’t use the Omnibus to pass anti-gun Fix NICS
Drain The Swamp
Drop all charges against CMP defendants
Drop your suit, stop bastardizing the 14th
E-Verify as a deterrent
E-Verify poll numbers
E-Verify will help restore order at the border
EPA and greenhouse gases
Earth Day
Ecological disruption increases zoonosis and is exacerbated by immigration-driven population growth
Eliminate child tax credits for illegals
Emulate Brewer
Enact 10 steps to fix our broken immigration enforcement system
Encourage the Biden administration to secure the border and enforce the law to end the border crisis
End ‘Wet Foot, Dry Foot’ policy
End Birthright Citizenship
End Migrant Child Labor Violations with H.R. 2
End OPT and help American workers
End birthright citizenship
End birthright citizenship
End birthright citizenship
End birthright citizenship
End birthright citizenship
End birthright citizenship
End birthright citizenship
End birthright citizenship
End birthright citizenship
End birthright citizenship!
End chain migration
End chain migration
End chain migration
End chain migration
End chain migration
End chain migration and the visa lottery
End chain migration and visa lottery
End human trafficking and smuggling and cosponsor E-Verify bill S. 156
End sanctuary cities
End sanctuary cities
End sanctuary cities
End sanctuary city funding
End the ‘Optional Practical Training’ program
End the border crisis
End the border crisis
End the border crisis
End the visa lottery
End the visa lottery
End the visa lottery
End the visa lottery
End unprecedented parole use and take up H.R. 2
Enforce our immigration laws
Enforce our immigration laws
Ensure border funding is approved
Environmental stewardship loses to immigration-driven population growth
Evangelicals do NOT want amnesty
Evangelicals oppose amnesty
Even ‘centrists’ don’t want amnesty
Even union members don’t like amnesty
Executive amnesty
Facebook and Google lied to us
Facebook can’t prove worker shortage
Fact Check: Rep. Beyer wrong about immigration and population growth
Fair and responsible U.S. immigration policy should support U.S. workers
False Obama nomination papers
Fed up with spending and debt
Federal action is needed to take population pressures off communities.
Federal policy is exacerbating Southwest water shortages.
Federal policy is exacerbating groundwater shortages
Fewer U.S.-Born Workers Have Jobs
Fight for middle-class Americans
Fight income inequality: Oppose further immigration
Fight plans to house illegal aliens across the country
Fire Napolitano Immediately
Fix APPS now
Fix immigration
Fix the bureaucracy
Fix vote fraud
Fix your foreign policy
Focus on the real problems, not on the guns
Follow Rep. McCarthy’s Lead
Force Biden to secure the border
Force Obama to enforce immigration laws
Fort Hood’s 9/11
Free Ramos and Compean
From the Old Game Warden
Fund border security
Further action needed on Sanctuary bill
GOP platform & Trump promises should guide immigration
GOP platform focuses on U.S. workers and enforcement
Gang of Eight shunning law enforcement
Get your security act together
Government shut-down preferable to the alternative
Granting statehood to D.C. is a threat to our constitutional republic and the 2A
H-1B spouses
H-1B visas
H-1B visas
H-2B increases would abandon blue-collar workers
H-2B visas harm American workers
H.R. 2740 would worsen the border crisis — please vote NO!
H.R. 3401 fails to address causes of the crisis and lacks enforcement funding — Vote NO
H.R. 3648 will displace American workers — VOTE NO!
H.R. 5038 = Amnesty & indentured servitude
HAZMAT & Nuclear
Halt the resettlement of refugess from terror-sponsoring nations until national security risks can be assessed
Have you seen the latest Harvard-Harris poll?
Health Concern + H1N1
Heed HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra’s warning
Help Democratic cities by securing the border
Help End the Visa Lottery
Help President Trump defend our Second Amendment rights
Help abolish birthright citizenship
Help abolish birthright citizenship
Help end chain migration
Help end chain migration
Help end the visa lottery
Help end the visa lottery
Help end the visa lottery
Help end the visa lottery
Help fix the border by cosponsoring H.R. 29, the Border Safety and Security Act
Help our overburdened communities by ending catch-and-release policies
Help our senators understand
Help save our environment by reducing immigration
Help stop the Biden amnesty
Help stop the Biden amnesty
High immigration caused middle class wages to drop
House Armed Services Committee backs DACA
House must strip DACA language from Armed Services Funding Bill
House needs to get behind birthright citizenship legislation
House proposal would release Criminal Aliens onto the streets
Housing supplies cannot keep up with immigration
How Democrats are making it harder to save biodiversity
Hypocrisy in hiring
I can’t believe Resident Biden plans to do nothing about the border
I oppose green cards for unvetted Afghan evacuees!
I oppose your proposed amnesty
I support ending chain immigration and the visa lottery
I support the use of firearms on public lands
I wish you had not voted to scrap per-country caps
I’m glad you support mandatory E-Verify
I’ve had it with you and your administration
ICE raids
ICE raids
Illegal aliens’ crimes expose Obama’s illegal amnesty
Illegals do NOT have the right to work
Immigration and the environment
Immigration bill is potential amnesty headache
Immigration drives population growth as competition for water increases in California
Immigration fuels California’s population growth and wildfires
Immigration has a ‘devastating cost to Black Americans’
Immigration hurts minority workers, especially American descendants of slavery
Immigration policies add further strain to groundwater supplies
Immigration policies add further strain to groundwater supplies
Immigration policy should benefit American workers
Immigration principles
Immigration reform must benefit Americans and legal immigrants!
Immigration restrictions support the message from Civil Rights movement
Immigration-driven growth is lowering our quality of life.
Inappropriate electioneering
Increasing Density can’t stop Urban Sprawl
Increasing H-2B visas harms American workers
Infrastructure Security
Intel Corp. on H-1B visas
Invest in American workers and reduce immigration
Is Obama a citizen?
It is time for Congress to act on the border crisis
It’s past time to end birthright citizenship
It’s time for House Leadership to act on Davis-Oliver
It’s time to act on President Trump’s State of the Union message
It’s time to deregulate suppressors
It’s time to end the border crisis: Demand a vote on H.R. 3056!
John McCain’s Senate replacement
Jordan Commission’s Recommendations
Just say ‘no’ to the White House’s immigration policy change
Just say NO to amnesty
Keep amnesty out of budget reconciliation
Keep criminal illegal aliens in jail
Keep foreign criminals in jail
Keep opposing Boehner on amnesty
Keep our borders secure
Keep up the good work
Kill ObamaCare Bill H.R. 3962
LA Times: No conundrum
LEOs oppose amnesty
Labor Department statistics prove no ‘labor shortage’
Learning English
Limit H-1B visas to retain Black tech talent
Limit immigration to save wildlife
Listen to Chris Crane
Locomotive regulations
Lower emissions by lowering immigration-driven growth
Lower immigration rates will reduce population growth and save nature.
Lowering immigration rates takes pressure off habitat and wildlife
Mandate E-Verify
Mandate E-Verify
Mandate E-Verify, end chain migration
Mandatory E-Verify would shut off the jobs magnet and help end illegal immigration
Mandatory E-Verify would shut off the jobs magnet and help end illegal immigration
March jobs report
Marchers say gringos, not illegals, have to go
Mass immigration causes Black Americans to lose jobs
Mass immigration hurts Black and Hispanic workers
Mass immigration lowers wages and increases housing prices
Mass immigration makes homegrown terrorism more likely
Mass immigration makes no sense given desertification
McCaul border bill won’t secure the border
Meadows/Jordan Amendments would fund border security and prevent future caravans
Measure the environmental impact of immigration policies
Migrant surges worsen our housing crisis
Minimum wage
Moderate immigration to restore our middle class
More Sarahs and fewer Arnolds
More content out of context
Most don’t believe border security is in the works
Most voters want immigration cuts
Mulvaney resolution opposes Obama’s amnesties
My ‘amnesty’ proposal
NO amnesty in the budget bill
NO on A.B. 1544
NO to DREAM Act amnesty
NO to DREAM Act amnesty
NO to H-2B increases!
NO to immigration ‘reform’
NYT’s Leonhardt to Democrats: Lower immigration
Napolitano must go
Nearly 2 in 3 Americans favor deporting all illegal immigrants
New CIS report shows massive immigrant population growth
New cuts in water withdrawals imposed
New gun laws won’t secure our border
New poll shows concern over our border crisis
New report shows impact of immigration on less educated workers
New study demolishes STEM worker myth
No ‘comprehensive immigration reform’
No DACA ‘road to citizenship’
No DACA amnesty in the omnibus spending bill
No DACA amnesty!
No DACA amnesty!
No DACA amnesty; E-Verify instead
No DREAM Act amnesty
No DREAM Act amnesty
No STEM crisis
No additional refugee funding or H-2B increases
No amnesty
No amnesty
No amnesty
No amnesty
No amnesty
No amnesty
No amnesty
No amnesty
No amnesty
No amnesty conference
No amnesty for DACA recipients
No amnesty for DACA recipients
No amnesty for enforcement
No amnesty for illegal aliens
No amnesty!
No amnesty, no visa lottery, no chain migration
No coddling illegal aliens
No crime to cross our border illegally?
No eminent domain for residential mortgages
No end to the border crisis. Include H.R. 2 in the Continuing Resolution.
No executive amnesties
No executive amnesty!
No government takeover
No gun control power grabs
No healthcare for illegal aliens
No housing for illegals!
No impeachment
No impeachment
No impeachment
No lame duck session
No more foreign workers
No more incentives for illegal immigration
No new amnesty
No new legislation needed to complete border fence
No on H.R. 5717
No on S. 1033
No on S. 3254
No on S. 388
No path to citizenship in the lame duck. The border needs attention.
No privileges for illegals
No secret amnesties
No special visas for illegals
No state benefits for illegals
No tax credits for illegal aliens
No taxpayer-funded lawyers for illegal aliens
No to fast-track, no to socialized health care
No to fast-track, no to socialized health care
No to government ‘health care’
No to the Copenhagen Climate Treaty
No to the DREAM Act
No to the DREAM Act
Obama: ‘We Noticed’
Obama: DHS ‘extremists’
On World Wildlife Day, America is experiencing its own ‘biodiversity crisis’
Op-ed opposing legal immigration
Open letter to Art Bishop
Oppose ‘ghost gun’ bans
Oppose A.B. 1014
Oppose A.B. 1609
Oppose A.B. 2607
Oppose A.B. 962
Oppose ATF nominee David Chipman
Oppose American-worker-harming provisions in the spending bill
Oppose Bambam’s amnesty
Oppose Biden immigration increases
Oppose Biden’s radical, anti-gun picks for Attorney General and HHS Director
Oppose Biden’s unconstitutional executive gun orders
Oppose Boehner on amnesty
Oppose Boehner on amnesty
Oppose Boehner’s ‘immigration principles’
Oppose CA A.B. 1223 — taxing gun ownership
Oppose CA A.B. 311 — ban on precursor parts at gun shows
Oppose CA S.B. 264
Oppose Cuellar/Cornyn border bill
Oppose DACA Amnesty
Oppose DACA amnesty
Oppose DREAM Act
Oppose DREAM Act
Oppose DREAM Act
Oppose DREAM Act amnesty
Oppose DREAM and TPS Amnesties
Oppose David Hamilton
Oppose Democrat illegal alien amnesty
Oppose Democrats’ budget reconciliation amnesty
Oppose GOP leadership’s new immigration push
Oppose Gramnesty
Oppose H-1B expansion
Oppose H-1B expansion
Oppose H-2B Increase
Oppose H-2B foreign worker increases
Oppose H-2B increase
Oppose H-2B increases in spending bill
Oppose H-2B visa bill
Oppose H-2B visa increases
Oppose H.R. 1
Oppose H.R. 1044
Oppose H.R. 125
Oppose H.R. 1413
Oppose H.R. 1417
Oppose H.R. 1417
Oppose H.R. 15
Oppose H.R. 1585
Oppose H.R. 167 — FFL requirements for gun show transfers
Oppose H.R. 2330
Oppose H.R. 3141
Oppose H.R. 6
Oppose H.R. 6, the latest mass amnesty bill
Oppose H.R. 8, H.R. 1112, and S. 42
Oppose H.R.6, the Democrats’ amnesty bill
Oppose HR 8771
Oppose Illegal-Alien Detainer Bill
Oppose Mulvaney/Biaz-Balart/Ryan Amnesty
Oppose Mulvaney/Biaz-Balart/Ryan Amnesty
Oppose Obama amnesty
Oppose Obama’s amnesty
Oppose Obama’s executive amnesties
Oppose Ryan’s ‘crime reform’ bill
Oppose S. 1033
Oppose S. 1033
Oppose S. 3192
Oppose S. 3217
Oppose S. 744
Oppose S. 744 et al.
Oppose S. 955
Oppose S.B. 199
Oppose S.B. 249
Oppose S.B. 53
Oppose S.B. 808
Oppose SOPA / PIPA
Oppose Schumer amnesty
Oppose Senator Spector’s immigration proposal
Oppose Senator Spector’s immigration proposal
Oppose Senator Spector’s immigration proposal
Oppose Senator Spector’s immigration proposal
Oppose United Nations’ Agenda 21
Oppose William Barr’s gun control
Oppose agricultural amnesty
Oppose all amnesties
Oppose amnesty
Oppose amnesty and guest worker increase
Oppose amnesty in the budget framework
Oppose any budget reconciliation bill that grants amnesty
Oppose any expansion of the H-2B visa program
Oppose birthright citizenship
Oppose closure of OPT Compliance Unit
Oppose efforts to ‘staple’ green cards to university degrees
Oppose efforts to expand H-2 visa programs
Oppose executive action amnesty
Oppose executive action amnesty
Oppose farmworker amnesty
Oppose firearms licensing and registration
Oppose foreign worker increases in DHS spending bill
Oppose green cards for unvetted Afghans
Oppose gun control
Oppose health care reconciliation
Oppose immigration increases in emergency spending bills
Oppose immigration provisions in the COMPETES Act
Oppose increased immigration
Oppose increases in H-1B visas
Oppose magazine capacity bills
Oppose making temporary work visas permanent
Oppose omnibus spending bill
Oppose the $26 billion DREAM Act
Oppose the Biden Amnesty
Oppose the DREAM Act
Oppose the DREAM Act (S. 2075)
Oppose the Democratic Amnesty Bill
Oppose the Gang of Eight’s immigration ‘reform’ bill
Oppose the Graham-Durbin DREAM amnesty
Oppose the Graham-Durbin-Flake amnesty deal
Oppose the Moran amendment
Oppose the No BAN Act and the Access to Counsel Act
Oppose the Ryan amnesty!
Oppose the immigration enforcement freeze
Oppose these anti-gun bills
Oppose universal background check legislation
Opposition to CARB’s In-Use Locomotive Regulation
Opting out of sanctuary laws
Our de facto open borders make inflation and climate change worse
Pardon or commute Ramos and Compean
Pass American LAWS Act
Pass E-Verify
Pass H.R. 2 and Secure our borders
Pass H.R. 2 to end the border crisis
Pass H.R. 391 to close asylum loopholes!
Pass S. 577
Pass legislation to end illegal immigration and secure the border
Pass legislation to end the border crisis
Pass mandatory E-Verify
Pass the RAISE Act
Pass the RAISE Act to increase real wages
Petition to Congress
Petition: 10 steps to fix our broken immigration enforcement system
Planned economy or planned destruction?
Please REJECT Socialized Health Care!
Please confirm Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court
Please confirm the President’s nominees
Please consider these amendments to the H.R. 3354 spending bill
Please cosponsor H.R. 140
Please cosponsor H.R. 140 to end birthright citizenship
Please cosponsor H.R. 4644 to end the OPT program
Please cosponsor H.R. 6612
Please cosponsor H.R. 891 to end chain migration
Please cosponsor King’s resolution
Please cosponsor Sen. Cruz’s Secure the Border Act to end the border crisis!
Please cosponsor and vote for H.R. 4980
Please cosponsor bill revising Cuban immigration
Please cosponsor legislation to end birthright citizenship
Please cosponsor the RAISE Act
Please do NOT sign S.B. 822 into law
Please do not cosponsor S. 7
Please implement the biometric entry-exit system
Please oppose A.B. 1223, A.B. 1237, and A.B. 1509
Please oppose A.B. 2888
Please oppose S.B. 211, S.B. 1100, S.B. 1177, S.B. 1487, and A.B. 2103
Please oppose new gun control legislation
Please oppose the Goodlatte-Ryan-Denham amnesty bill (H.R. 6136)
Please oppose the budget reconciliation amnesty
Please oppose the gun control legislation unveiled by Rep. Maloney
Please pass H.R. 3003, the No Sanctuary for Criminals Act
Please save our wilderness
Please sign the Budd Letter
Please speak with Rep. Kevin McCarthy
Please stop forcing U.S. population growth
Please support H.R. 822
Please support enforcement of the public charge rule
Please support mandatory E-Verify
Please vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh
Please vote to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh
Please vote to confirm Neil Gorsuch
Please vote to confirm Senator Sessions as AG
Please withdraw H.R. 127
Please withdraw your sponsorship of the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021
Please work with Congress to save America’s wilderness and biodiversity
Poll Shows Opposition to Executive Amnesty, Support for Enforcement
Poll Shows Opposition to Executive Amnesty, Support for Enforcement
Poll Shows that More Americans Want Immigration Decrease
Poll shows strong voter support to defund Obama’s amnesty
Population Boosters Understate Costs
Population growth and drought don’t mix
Population growth is driving Americans crazy
Population growth is overwhelming U.S.; please end chain migration
Population growth is putting pressure on America’s farmland
Population growth must be addressed before these species disappear
Population growth overshoots the carrying capacity of America
Population growth undermines efforts to protect open space
Porous borders are unsustainable, drive overpopulation and overcrowding
Prioritize U.S. labor, not work permits
Protect American jobs
Protect Americans
Protect E-Verify
Protect U.S. jobs
Protect U.S. manufacturing jobs with mandatory E-Verify
Protect U.S. workers
Protect U.S. workers
Protect endangered species: Reduce immigration-driven population growth
Protect our unemployed
Protect the Second Amendment and vote no on H.R. 8 and H.R. 1112
Protect wildlife with H.R. 2 and H.R. 7833
Punish ‘sanctuary cities’
Push Congress to mandate E-Verify
Push E-Verify legislation
Push for interior enforcement
Pushing Americans out of jobs
Put American workers first
Put American workers first
Put American workers first by reducing immigration
Put Americans before illegal aliens
Put Americans first this Labor Day by reducing immigration and ending illegal-alien hiring
Put U.S. citizens in U.S. jobs
Racial disparities in bankruptcy filings
Racism in Apple Valley
Rasmussen immigration poll supports E-Verify
Re-authorize E-Verify permanently
Re: Newt Gingrich mocks Mitt Romney on ‘self-deportation’
Reauthorize E-Verify
Record-high commutes are made worse by record-high immigration
Reduce green card numbers
Reduce immigration
Reduce immigration
Reduce immigration and put American workers first
Reduce immigration and put American workers first!
Reduce immigration back to traditional levels
Reduce immigration to help more americans return to work
Reduce immigration to protect farmland and nature
Reduce immigration to strengthen resilience to extreme climate
Reduce legal immigration
Reduce spending
Reinstate Remain in Mexico and denounce Biden’s 2,500 daily illegal plan
Reject Chipman for ATF
Reject H.R. 1207 — the federal ban on online ammo sales
Reject H.R. 1454 — an extremely anti-gun bill
Reject Pelosi’s ‘un-Americanism’
Reject taxpayer-funded lawyers for illegal aliens
Reopen America
Reopen California
Representatives Need to Support Aderholt and Blackburn Amendments to DHS Bill
Representatives Need to Support Aderholt and Blackburn Amendments to DHS Bill
Republican losses
Republicans MUST put American workers before illegal aliens
Republicans must take concrete action to stop Obama’s amnesty
Requesting appointment of a special counsel
Resist the media’s relentless drumbeat for unsustainable growth
Restore hope to American workers
Restrict chain migration
S. 4787 issues green cards without properly vetting the recipients. Oppose.
S. 9 cosponsorship
SB 1384 — Letter of opposition
SB 918 — Letter of opposition
Save jobs and protect the California economy
Save what’s left of America’s biodiversity
Saving wildlife is hopeless while America’s population keeps booming
Say ‘no’ to amnesty
Say NO to the McCaul border bill
Scrap America’s ecological Ponzi scheme
Secure our border
Secure our border now!
Secure the border and Black worker gains
Sen. Sessions Exposes White House’s Role in Border Influx
Sen. Sessions calls for lower immigration levels
Senate must act to eliminate sanctuary localities
Sensible immigration policy
Serenity is difficult to find
Serious about immigration? Push E-Verify
Set immigration limits
Shame on you for confirming Merrick Garland
Shame on you for funding Obama’s illegal executive amnesty
Shame on you for supporting Obama’s illegal executive amnesty
Shut down the circus and confirm Kavanaugh
Sign H.R. 2 into law
Sign H.R. 2 into law to end the border crisis
Sign H.R. 2 into law to end the border crisis
Sign the Border Letter
Signal your opposition to ‘immigration reform’
Social cohesion is being lost in our expanding cities.
Southwest border violence
Stand up for E-Verify
Stand with border enforcement
Stimulus failure
Stimulus monies must go to citizens
Stop ‘extra’ visas
Stop Costa Rica from helping Cubans enter U.S.
Stop DHS smuggling of illegal aliens
Stop EB-5 increases
Stop H.R. 130 — Forced Safe Storage, Investigation of Reports
Stop H.R. 8 and H.R. 1112
Stop Judge David Hamilton now
Stop Obama Administration program paying to relocate illegal aliens
Stop Obama amnesty
Stop Obama’s ‘Abortion Czar’
Stop Obama’s illegal executive amnesties
Stop Obama’s unfair, illegal-alien tax credits
Stop Pelosi from legitimizing her sham impeachment witch hunt
Stop Pelosi from legitimizing her sham impeachment witch hunt
Stop S. 744
Stop Supporting Sanctuary Cities and Illegal Aliens
Stop Syrian refugee settlement in the U.S.
Stop attacking American ideals
Stop bastardizing the 14th Amendment
Stop filling our jobs with foreign workers
Stop filling our jobs with foreign workers
Stop fund-raising from un-American CEOs
Stop healthcare plan from giving tax credits to illegal aliens
Stop immigration now
Stop immigration to stop sprawl
Stop importing foreign workers
Stop lame duck session DREAM Act
Stop paying to relocate illegal aliens
Stop preferential treatment of H-1B workers
Stop prosecuting Arizona
Stop supporting amnesty
Stop the Biden amnesty
Stop the Democrat’s lame duck amnesty plans
Stop the Democrats’ heinous amnesty bill
Stop the catch-and-release shell game — reestablish the Migration Protection Protocols!
Stop the madness. Reject Plan C in the budget reconciliation bill
Stop work permits for illegals
Strengthen our southern border
Support American workers
Support Americans, oppose DREAM Act amnesty
Support E-Verify
Support E-Verify
Support H.R 4437
Support H.R. 191: Repeal Executive Amnesty
Support H.R. 193
Support H.R. 2 to end the border crisis
Support H.R. 3788
Support H.R. 38
Support H.R. 7833 to end chain migration
Support ICE agents’ suit
Support LEAVE Act
Support President Trump’s border security request
Support President Trump’s immigration Executive Order!
Support President Trump’s immigration principles
Support Rep. Bishop’s Border amendment
Support Rep. Goodlatte’s H.R 4760
Support Rep. Goodlatte’s Securing America’s Future Act
Support Romney’s immigration stance
Support S. 1362
Support S. 1522
Support S. 1845
Support S. 446
Support S. 446 and H.R. 38
Support Trump’s call for mandatory E-Verify and ending chain migration
Support Trump’s immigration principles
Support U.S. workers
Support a refugee moratorium
Support a refugee moratorium
Support concealed carry reciprocity
Support constitutional carry reciprocity legislation
Support ending birthright citizenship
Support immigration enforcement
Support immigration reductions to help jobless Americans
Support jobs for U.S. citizens
Support legislation to mandate E-Verify
Support mandatory E-Verify
Support mandatory E-Verify
Support mandatory E-Verify
Support mandatory E-Verify this summer!
Support our schools by adopting sensible immigration policies
Support the Border Security Caucus
Support the CLEAR Act
Support the Legal Workforce Act and mandate E-Verify
Support the Legal Workforce Act to Mandate E-Verify and Combat ID Theft
Support the Legal Workforce Act to mandate E-Verify
Support the RAISE Act
Support the SAVE act
Support the bill ending sanctuary cities
Support the sanctuary city bill
Support underpaid U.S. workers by limiting immigration
Supporting sanctuaries of crime and violence
Suspend Non-Essential Immigration
Suspend immigration
Syrian refugee resettlement raises major security concerns
Take action on our border crisis
Take amnesty off the table completely
Take the pressure off our habitat and wildlife
Tell Congress to end birthright citizenship
Tell Congressional Hispanic Caucus about Hispanic immigration polling
Tell HHS no warehousing of illegals in California
Tell the RNC establishment — no amnesty!
Thank you for co-sponsoring H.R. 250
Thank you for cosponsoring H.R. 250 to mandate E-Verify
Thank you for cosponsoring H.R. 38
Thank you for ending DAPA amnesty
Thank you for holding federal agencies accountable
Thank you for opposing Canterbury
Thank you for opposing Merrick Garland
Thank you for opposing worker importation & amnesty
Thank you for supporting H.R. 4437
Thank you for supporting H.R. 5272
Thank you for supporting concealed carry reciprocity
Thank you for supporting enforcement and opposing mass amnesty
Thank you for supporting the Second Amendment
Thank you for suspending more work visa categories
Thank you for voting against amnesty
Thank you for voting against amnesty
Thank you for voting for the Verify First Act
Thanks for cosponsoring legislation to mandate E-Verify
Thanks for cosponsoring legislation to mandate use of E-Verify
Thanks for cosponsoring the SAVE Act
Thanks for nothing
Thanks for nothing
Thanks for opposing Obama’s illegal executive amnesty
Thanks for opposing the Alien Health Care Bill
Thanks for opposing the Gang of Eight
Thanks for opposing the sale of U.S. visas
Thanks for supporting American workers
Thanks for supporting free speech
Thanks for voting YES on Defunding President Obama’s Executive Amnesty
Thanks for voting against military amnesty
Thanks for voting to defund sanctuary cities
Thanks for working for America
That’s a good reason why they shouldn’t be residents in the first place
The ‘labor shortage’
The Constitution for the United States of America
The Gang of Eight’s amnesty is filled with loopholes
The OPT program is harmful to U.S. workers seeking employment
The Schumer-Rubio amnesty is horrible
The burden of the border crisis should not fall on Black communities
The burden of the border crisis should not fall on black communities
The environment suffers as population rises
The most outrageous worker importation bill ever
The multi-trillion dollar cost of amnesty
The promise of work permits encourages illegal immigration
The record border surge
The world’s population is stabilizing, why not America’s?
There is no labor shortage. Co-sponsor S. 156
Three conditions for emergency funding
Tight labor markets give workers a fighting chance
Time to pay attention: An open letter to Larry Cusack
Time to take action against sanctuary cities
To save nature, we must limit immigration
To save nature, we must look at immigration limits
To save wildlife, we must limit immigration
Troubled by your pro-amnesty vote
Trump details immigration plan to help American workers
Trump’s Executive Order enhances national security and establishes refugee limits
U.S. granted 1 million green cards in 2014
U.S. immigration policy contributing to crisis in bird populations
Unions oppose H-2B increases
Unions oppose H-2B visas
Urge Congress to defund sanctuary cities
Use the must-pass Continuing Resolution to pass H.R. 2, the Secure the Border Act
Value the U.S. workforce by reducing immigration
Veto A.B. 1081
Veto A.B. 1081
Veto A.B. 2189
Veto A.B. 2189 and A.B. 1081
Veto S.B. 54
Veto all gun control bills
Veto anti-employment verification legislation
Veto anti-employment verification legislation
Veto any spending bills that don’t fund your enforcement priorities
Veto in-state tuition for illegals
Veto in-state tuition for illegals
Veto limits on illegal alien detainers
Visa fraud must be a top priority
Vote ‘no’ on this latest amnesty
Vote NO on H.R. 3648, the EAGLE Act
Vote NO on H.R. 6 no-strings amnesty for 4 million illegal aliens
Vote against illegal immigration and for public safety
Vote for sanctuary city legislation
Vote no on A.B. 1081
Vote no on H.R. 5038
Vote no on gun confiscation legislation
Vote no on the Goodlatte-Ryan-Denham Amnesty bill
Vote no on the Hagel/Martinez proposal
Vote to end sanctuary cities
Vote yes on H.R. 2581
Vote yes on H.R. 35 to criminalize evading Border Patrol agents
Voters support Jordan Commission recommendations
Wages belie claims of a labor shortage
Wages decrease during a slowing economy. Reduce immigration.
We cannot achieve a sustainable population with current immigration levels
We must have immigration limits
We need E-Verify
We need E-Verify
We need a pro-worker immigration policy
Weather, Disaster, Emergency
Weather-related disasters increase with U.S. population growth
What about spying on U.S. citizens?
When will your company switch to renewable energy?
Why are House Republicans not acting to end the border crisis?
Why did you support the farm amnesty bill?
Why do you hate American workers?
Why does the budget reconciliation bill provide waivers for human smugglers?
Wildlife cannot thrive while Congress promotes rapid population growth.
Will Obama’s new AG reject executive amnesty?
Working-class Black and Latino voters increasingly favor immigration limits
You can stop Obama’s amnesty
You failed to keep amnesty out of the budget reconciliation resolution
You must confront the adverse impacts of U.S. population growth
You must stop the asylum-seeker caravan
You must veto AB 1840
You should have supported Sessions’ amendment
You supported bad immigration provisions in the omnibus spending bill
Young Americans deserve jobs
Your amnesty vote
Your immigration grade
Your multi-trillion-dollar budget
Your performance at the confirmation hearings has been disgusting
Your vote was appalling