Why John McCain?

It may be time for the tin-foil hats, but I’ve been wondering for some months how and why John McCain came to be the Presidential candidate for the Republican Party. A year ago, the McCain campaign was low on funds, and he had some stiff competition from younger men with less baggage (i.e. S&L scandal, support for amnesty for illegal immigrants, years of bizarre behavior and flip-flopping on the issues, general signs of insanity, etc.). After the first three or four primary votes, McCain was trailing in the vote, trailing in the delegate count, trailing in the polls, and denying rumors that his campaign was bankrupt.
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Hope for America

What becomes of America, now that Obama has usurped the presidency? Clearly, if Obama has his way, we will be attempting to retry the failed experiment of the former Soviet Union, with Obama playing the role of Premier Comrade. If his goals are evidenced by his utterances, he plans to destroy the U.S. by making our well-being and security secondary to his anti-coal ideology, he plans to institutionalize corruption in government by making millions of citizens and non-citizens dependent on and beholding to the government for money, and he plans to fundamentally destroy the remains of our once-fair republic by throwing off the Constitutional limits in favor of a mandate for government to provide food, housing, jobs, iPods, diplomas, bling, and who-knows-what-else to everyone in the deserving class (as if our current limited government wasn’t already big enough). If he’s successful, there will be no more America by the end of his term.
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PDS (Palin Derangement Syndrome)

The instantaneous hatred, fear, and loathing on the Left for Sarah Palin — or Palin Derangement Syndrome — mystifies me. I was talking with a lifelong feminist the other day, and she expressed the sentiment that we had to vote for Obama because if McCain became President and died, then Palin would be President. Her tone was one of horror.
Continue reading PDS (Palin Derangement Syndrome)