Items in the 'Information' category
- Dueling headlines: Joshua Tree edition
- Dueling headlines: California tax edition
- Dueling headlines: Baby formula edition
- Dueling headlines: Remain in Mexico edition
- Dueling headlines: California drought edition
- Dueling headlines: Black Lies Matter edition
- 206 House Democrats sponsor massive amnesty bill
- Five facts for socialists
- Dueling headlines: Borders
- Your guide to photo I.D.
- Dueling headlines: Syrian refugee edition
- Dueling headlines: Obama on gun violence
- Dueling headlines: Progressive tolerance edition
- Dueling headlines: Global warming edition
- The gentle giant
- Dueling headlines: Citizens can be jailed indefinitely, illegal aliens never
- Dueling headlines: Climate change edition
- Senator Jeff Sessions comments on new admin immigration order bypassing Congress
- Republicans should represent the American worker
- Don’t ignore immigration officers
- I found the problem
- Food For Thought
- Dueling headlines: School safety edition
- Why abortion must be legalized
- That explains it
- Dueling headlines: DHS version
- Obama’s Terrorist Pal Comes Clean About Their Friendship
- Heads between knees, brace for impact
- What ‘gun show loophole’?
- The Gang of Eight’s Amnesty Lie: It’s worse than we feared
- If Rubio’s amnesty is so great, why is he lying?
- Hypocrisy on parade: Reid was against illegal immigration before he was for it
- Flashback: Arguments against amnesty
- Sowell: Immigration Sophistry
- Sowell: Fact-Free Crusades
- Moral relativism and ‘gun control’
- Dueling headlines: Violence
- Dueling headlines: Innocent deaths
- Compensation
- 2nd Amendment: Guaranteeing all our other freedoms
- The One Number You Need to Know in O’s Budget
- Illegal immigration robs the poorest Americans
- Obama’s budget in one infographic
- Here’s one reason why you might need a gun that holds more than ten rounds
- Democrats’ human shields: Liberals go crazy for the mentally ill
- All your retirement savings are belong to us
- Obamacare Blows Up In Dem’s Face!
- Radar shows more illegal border crossers avoid apprehension than are caught
- People not in labor force soar to 90 million
- Delayed hit: U.S. job creation plunges
- The hits just keep on comin’
- Why We Need an Immigration Policy That Helps Americans
- Obama on financial responsibility
- Reminder: How Mexico Treats ‘Undesirable’ Foreigners, by Michelle Malkin
- Recognize this guy?
- 55 Reasons Why California Is The Worst State in America
- Armed citizens stop massacres
- Ex uno plures
- Obama’s true faith
- Obamanomics explained
- 17 reasons not to vote for Obama
- Words and pictures
- Obama’s lies
- Obamacare’s top 10 most costly taxes and fees
- Thoughts on voting
- Obama Policies Have Put America at Risk
- The truly dismal state of the union
- Good to know before making charitable donations
- Federal representatives: No more debt!
- Deficits
- Who am I?
- U.S. budget numbers in household terms
- Website of interest
- Website of interest