Republicans MUST put American workers before illegal aliens

During an interview with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, MSNBC host Chris Matthews accused Republican Congressional leaders of refusing to bring up mandatory E-Verify legislation because it would rob businesses of cheap labor. I hope you and other pro-American worker Republicans will urge Speaker Ryan and other Republican leaders to bring a clean mandatory E-Verify bill to the floor so that Republicans can prove they care more about American workers than they do about businesses being able to hire cheap illegal labor.
Continue reading Republicans MUST put American workers before illegal aliens

Mass immigration makes homegrown terrorism more likely

High levels of immigration create disconnected communities that make it easier for home-grown terrorists like the ones in Paris and Brussels to plan attacks. Congress should work to reduce immigration to make it easier to assimilate new immigrants and make our communities safer.
Continue reading Mass immigration makes homegrown terrorism more likely

Fact Check: Rep. Beyer wrong about immigration and population growth

Recently, Rep. Don Beyer was fact checked on his claim that U.S. population would actually shrink if legal immigration were reduced, but his claim was rated mostly false by Politifact. I hope you will not believe anyone who says that mass immigration is required to grow or sustain America’s population.

Continue reading Fact Check: Rep. Beyer wrong about immigration and population growth

Keep foreign criminals in jail

Please oppose the Sentencing Reform Act of 2015 as it is currently written. This legislation would release thousands of dangerous non-citizen offenders at a time when the Obama administration has shown a refusal to deport even the most violent criminal aliens.
Continue reading Keep foreign criminals in jail