Population growth is putting pressure on America’s farmland

We are witnessing the dramatic loss of farmland in America. Plus, the farmland remaining is being degraded due to fragmentation, salinization, and/or topsoil erosion. This permanent loss of the means to produce food has been driven by our own population growth. What makes America unique among rapidly-growing countries is that our high growth in numbers is facilitated primarily through permissive immigration policies.

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How Democrats are making it harder to save biodiversity

I am writing to you because I am concerned about our unsustainable population growth, driven primarily by your immigration policies, which add more than one million per year (more than two million since the current border crisis began). America is inexorably losing its open spaces and wilderness areas, along with a wide array of wildlife.

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Please support mandatory E-Verify

The simplest way to end illegal immigration is by requiring all employers to use E-Verify. I hope you’ll support this commonsense solution and push for a vote on legislation that would mandate E-Verify nationwide.

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It’s past time to end birthright citizenship

Often lost in the immigration debate is the issue of Birthright Citizenship. Birthright Citizenship is an outdated practice that lures foreign nationals to the United States so their unborn children can become U.S. citizens. Please work to end this ridiculous policy!

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Thanks for your e-mail about supporting and contributing to the NDAA. Unfortunately, what you’ve done is exactly the opposite of what I expected of you. You might have improved our national defense in some small measure, but in the process you also opened our borders and compromised our 2nd Amendment rights. Not a very good trade-off, especially considering how Resident Biden is destroying our military. You of all persons should know that once we lose our rights, we have to engage in bloody conflict to regain them. Thanks for nothing.

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