Gang of Eight shunning law enforcement

Recently, ICE Union President Chris Crane told a Senate Committee about the Gang of Eight’s refusal to meet with any law enforcement when they drafted its immigration bill. How are we supposed to enforce our nation’s immigration laws when the opinions of these men and women are ignored by Congress? I hope you’ll ensure these Americans are heard.

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The Gang of Eight’s amnesty is filled with loopholes

It is important that you act against the Schumer-McCain amnesty legislation. I agree with the growing chorus who say that the bill will not secure the border and will not stop the flow of illegal aliens. However, it is clear that the bill will provide an easy path to amnesty for illegal aliens.
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The Schumer-Rubio amnesty is horrible

The Gang of Eight’s amnesty bill is an amnesty first, enforcement promises bill. The amnesty for illegal aliens comes before any enforcement occurs and there are no hard triggers requiring enforcement. Americans want enforcement first. Please oppose this legislation.
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33 million immigrants!

I was outraged to learn that the Gang of Eight’s amnesty bill will add 33 million people to the United States’ population in the next ten years, and 20 million people every decade after that! How is this just to the 22 million Americans unable to find a full-time job? I urge you to oppose this horrible bill.
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The Gang of Eight’s Amnesty Lie: It’s worse than we feared

The Senate Gang of Eight has finally introduced its Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill, and it’s far worse than anything that could have been imagined. And YES, it rewards illegal immigration by granting work permits and (eventually) citizenship to those who entered the country prior to 2012.

It also puts the interests of foreign workers ahead of the interests of American workers by increasing legal immigration by at least 50 percent over the next decade, until the unemployment rate reaches 8.5%. That’s higher than the Obama administration believed the unemployment rate would ever reach in the current Great Recession. This does not count people who are underemployed or have given up looking for work. Can you imagine the effect that will have on driving down wages?

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