Stop S. 744

The U.S. Senate will hold a motion to proceed with S. 744, the Gang of Eight’s immigration bill — I urge you to strongly oppose it. The legislation does not secure our nation’s borders and gives protected status and work permits to millions of illegal aliens; this bill is a repeat of 1986. Immigration reform is necessary and must occur, but this bill is not the answer. Please oppose this bill on Tuesday and start with again with an open process.
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Appalled by the amnesty bill

I was appalled that the Senate Judiciary Committee just approved the Gang of Eight’s comprehensive amnesty bill. This legislation would repeat the mistakes of the 1986 amnesty bill by promising enforcement while ensuring amnesty. 33 million new work permits will be issued in the first ten years after the bill’s passage and you need to oppose this legislation.
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The multi-trillion dollar cost of amnesty

I was astounded to learn that the Heritage Foundation’s Robert Rector has just released a study showing that the Gang of Eight’s amnesty bill would cost U.S. taxpayers at least $6.3 trillion. As horrible as this number is, the legislation will cost Americans much, much more as the study only includes the amnesty provisions, not those that allow 22 million more legal immigrants to come to the U.S. over the next decade. Please oppose this legislation.
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$6.3 trillion cost of amnesty

We wanted to make sure you were aware of the Heritage Foundation’s new study which conclusively proves that the amnesty provisions of the Gang of Eight’s comprehensive amnesty bill would cost U.S. taxpayers at least $6.3 trillion. This is in addition to the costs caused by the importation of 22 million legal immigrants over the first decade of the bill. We know you realize that America cannot afford to amnesty 11 million illegal aliens, as doing so would force Congress to reduce spending on services to those Americans most in need. Please oppose this bill.
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