Why are House Republicans not acting to end the border crisis?

I cannot understand why some House Republicans are preventing House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jordan from moving forward with a hearing to pass a package of border security bills. According to news reports, the hearings have now been delayed until after the Easter break. Why the delay?

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Any border legislation must close asylum loopholes and mandate E-Verify

I cannot understand why you and your Republican colleagues haven’t passed any legislation to help end the border crisis. Republicans won control of the House by promising to end the crisis and it’s time for you to make it happen. Total encounters at the U.S./Mexico border exceeded 150,000 in January and February and apprehensions of illegal border crossers have exceeded 125,000 for 24 straight months; it’s clear that this problem isn’t going away.

Continue reading Any border legislation must close asylum loopholes and mandate E-Verify

Cosponsor H.R. 319, the Legal Workforce Act

H.R. 319, in addition to requiring employers to run new hires through the Chamber of Commerce-approved E-Verify system, would move illegal aliens out of U.S. jobs. Over time, the more than 7 million illegal aliens in non-agricultural jobs would be replaced by unemployed Americans and legal immigrants. While not solving America’s unemployment or illegal immigration problems, the Legal Workforce Act would certainly lessen their severity.

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