McCaul border bill won’t secure the border

In recent days, I’ve heard House GOP Leaders talk about using Rep. Michael McCaul’s border bill, H.R. 399, as a starting point for immigration reform. I don’t support this bill, and President-elect Donald Trump already has the authorization he needs to secure the border through existing legislation.

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No new legislation needed to complete border fence

We are glad that President-elect Trump and Vice President-elect Pence are committed to building a fence along the Southern border and that many Republican Members of Congress are committed to making it happen. Existing law already gives the president the authority needed to build a fence, and we hope you’ll support President-elect Trump in this effort.

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Stand with border enforcement

It is truly disturbing that the Obama administration has given orders to Border Patrol agents that run contrary to federal law. Not only is it unlawful, but it is immoral and indefensible to order agents who arrest illegal aliens to release them without giving them a Notice to Appear. The administration has every right to be embarrassed that only half of illegal aliens given these notices eventually appear in court, but simply allowing illegal aliens to remain in the country without so much as a hearing is unlawful and jeopardizes our nation’s security. Brandon Judd, the president of the National Border Patrol Council, testified before the House Judiciary Committee on Thursday and his comments were truly disturbing. Judd testified that the Obama administration has ordered Border Patrol agents to release detained illegal aliens without Notices to Appear because they are simply ignored. Judd continued: Not only do we release these individuals that by law are subject to removal proceedings, we do it without any means of tracking their whereabouts. Agents believe this exploitable policy was set in place because DHS was embarrassed at the sheer number of those who choose not to follow the law by showing up for their court appearances. In essence, we pull these persons out of the shadows and into the light just to release them right back to those same shadows from whence they came. I urge you to look into these matters, especially after news reports have indicated that violent drug gangs like MS-13 are expanding their reach. Please investigate these developments and take steps to ensure our country’s security remains in tact.

Greg Raven, Apple Valley, CA

Most don’t believe border security is in the works

I find it disturbing that according to Rasmussen, only 9% of Americans believe it is very likely that the government would actually secure the border and prevent illegal immigration if Congress passes comprehensive immigration reform legislation. It is equally disturbing that Chris Crane, the head of ICE’s union, said that the border could never be secured if Congress passes immigration reform before ensuring that the border is secured. We urge you to postpone passage of an amnesty for illegal aliens so that the border can be secured once and for all.
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