• No amnesty for illegal aliens

    I am disappointed that you and your colleagues on the Judiciary Committee will be holding hearings on amnesty when so many Americans feel the negative impact of the illicit hiring of illegal aliens.

  • Audit the Federal Reserve Bank

    Now that over $12 trillion have been pledged toward our financial crisis, more people than ever are concerned about where their money is going, and if it’s accomplishing anything.

  • Napolitano must go

    In light of the unfounded “threat assessment” on “Rightwing Extremism” issued by DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano, I am calling for Napolitano’s immediate removal from office.

  • Oppose the DREAM Act

    Illegal immigration is one of the most serious problems facing our nation and the DREAM Act amnesty would only encourage more individuals to enter the country illegally! How can you (and Robert Menendez) continue to support such a mass amnesty when so many American and legal immigrant youths are unable to attend institutions of higher learning?

  • Planned economy or planned destruction?

    I’m sending you a copy of this from the Chicago Tribune, April 21, 1934:

  • Obama: ‘We Noticed’

    Resident Obama:

  • No crime to cross our border illegally?

    I am absolutely appalled by your comments on CNN’s “State of the Union” program! Crossing the border without permission is a crime!

  • New gun laws won’t secure our border

    I’m sending this in case you missed it:

  • Obama: DHS ‘extremists’

    As a tax-paying citizen and American patriot, I am outraged that the Department of Homeland Security would label me as a right-wing extremist, apparently as part of an attempt to silence opposition to the ever-burgeoning Federal government, the size and scope of which are being greatly boosted by your Administration’s Marxist and anti-American policies.

  • Oppose A.B. 962

    As you were informed last year during testimony on A.B. 2062, the Federal Government had in place an ammunition registration program established in the 1968 Gun Control Act that was discarded by Congress in 1986 when the U.S. Treasury Department testified that the program was of no use in crime fighting.

  • ‘Union’ amnesty

    It is absurd that America’s unions, including the A.F.L.-C.I.O., are supporting comprehensive amnesty! Such a plan, if enacted, would harm millions of American workers.

  • No amnesty

    It did not take long for Resident Obama to shift his priorities from putting Americans back to work to keeping illegal workers in U.S. jobs. The unnamed Democratic operatives mentioned in the recent New York Times article are right to be concerned.

  • Obama’s unsustainable course for our economy


  • No amnesty

    Resident Barack Obama,

  • E-Verify

    I am very concerned that your administration continues to postpone the implementation of an executive order requiring government contractors to use the E-Verify system. Don’t you want unemployed Americans to find jobs?

  • No amnesty

    Resident Obama’s amnesty, as outlined in The New York Times, will create a firestorm of opposition from the millions of disenfranchised workers across the country. I hope Republicans in Congress can be counted on to stand up with American voters and oppose any form of amnesty.

  • Your multi-trillion-dollar budget

    Fiscal irresponsibility and massive new deficits are not solutions to our economic problems.

  • California vehicle registration increase

    I just received this year’s vehicle registration renewal, and I wanted to tell you how disgusted I am with you, your policies, and your trail of broken promises. Instead of going down this year, as it normally does, my registration fee skyrocketed from $244 to $413.

  • California business taxes

    I’m sending this to you in case you missed it. Didn’t you run for governor on a promise to make California more business-friendly? Yet another lie, huh?

  • EPA and greenhouse gases

    I write to express my about the endangerment finding for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that EPA plans to issue later this month as part of its response to Massachusetts v. EPA. The endangerment finding will set the stage for an economic train wreck and a constitutional crisis.