• Stop filling our jobs with foreign workers

    We are glad Resident Obama pointed out that America needs to create 150,000 new jobs each month simply to employ those Americans entering the workforce. With this in mind, why is the Congress allowing businesses to import 125,000 new foreign workers each month?

  • Protect E-Verify

    We expect you to ensure that the E-Verify provisions of the DHS Appropriations bill survive the Conference Committee!

  • Keep our borders secure

    I have heard that DHS will be reducing the number of Border Patrol agents on the U.S. — Mexico border. I hope this is not true!

  • Suspend immigration

    Another 12,300 jobs were lost in California last month. The unemployment rate is 12.2%! It is time for a suspension of most immigration at least until our state’s unemployment gets back down below 5%.

  • Stop Obama amnesty

    We find it sickening that the Obama Administration is preventing ICE from doing its job. We fear the Administration is simply trying to find ways of issuing de facto amnesties for illegal aliens. We hope you will use your place in the ruling Democratic Party to put a stop to ICE’s emasculation so they are allowed to arrest and deport illegal aliens.

  • Veto anti-employment verification legislation

    I am very concerned about A.B. 1288, a bill that would prohibit E-Verify mandates on government contractors and preempt the ability of local governments to mandate E-Verify for other businesses. We should encourage businesses to use E-Verify, not prohibit them from doing so. Please veto A.B. 1288.

  • Wilson: Calling a liar a liar

    Thanks for calling Resident Obama a liar — which he clearly is, on so many issues. You managed to express succinctly what so many of us know.

  • Hydrogen Barackside

    • Kills capitalism on contact
  • I’ve had it with you and your administration

    I have had it with you and your administration, sir. Your conduct on your recent trip overseas has convinced me that you are not an adequate representative of the United States of America collectively or of me personally. You are so obsessed with appeasing the Europeans and the Muslim world that you have abdicated the responsibilities of the President of the United States of America. You are responsible to the citizens of the United States. You are not responsible to the peoples of any other country on earth.

  • Is Obama a citizen?

    There are serious questions about whether or not Barack Obama is eligible to be (or act as) President of the United States. I urge you to look into this questions. Here are some of the documents you will need in order to get to the bottom of this Constitutional crisis:

  • No to fast-track, no to socialized health care

    I’m outraged by Congress’s use of procedural trickery to put socialized healthcare on the fast-track in the Obama revised budget!

  • Cap-and-trade is a big tax

    As Rep. John Dingell (D-MI) rightly pointed out recently, “cap and trade is a tax, and it’s a great big one.” Estimates are that this national energy tax would cost the average American family $3,900 per year!

  • Block attacks on freedom of speech

    Please block attacks on freedom of speech.

  • No to fast-track, no to socialized health care

    I’ve just learned that Congress is using procedural trickery to fast-track socialized healthcare in Resident Obama’s revised budget. This kind of underhanded and deceitful tactic muzzles opposition debate, and keeps American taxpayers in the dark! Furthermore, the reason there is a health care crisis in America today is because of government intervention. As P. J. O’Rourke said, “If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it’s free!” The solution is to get government out of health care, NOT adding more government interference.

  • Oppose health care reconciliation

    I urge you to oppose health care reconciliation.

  • Oppose Schumer amnesty

    I find it odd that Sen. Charles Schumer’s Immigration Subcommittee is debating granting amnesty to millions of illegal aliens when so many Americans are out of work. I believe the subcommittee should be debating how mass, unfettered illegal immigration harms Americans instead of debating the best way to reward illegal aliens.

  • Stop Judge David Hamilton now

    Please join Senator James Inhofe to oppose and filibuster Resident Obama’s nomination of anti-life, anti-liberty, and anti-Christian Judge David Hamilton to the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals.

  • Stop Obama’s ‘Abortion Czar’

    I’m writing to ask you to STOP Obama’s “Abortion Czar.” “Abortion Queen” Sebelius’ die-hard support for ALL forms of abortion — especially the gruesome late-term abortions performed by her biggest political ally and financial backer, Killer Dr. George Tiller of Wichita, Kansas, makes her unfit to serve as head of Health and Human Services. The Senate should not confirm her nomination.

  • Fire Napolitano Immediately

    Americans are repulsed by the leaked DHS anti-terrorism security assessment summary that clearly targets mainstream Americans as dangerous extremists. One section of the report reads: “Rightwing extremism in the United States can be broadly divided into those groups, movements, and adherents that are primarily hate-oriented (based on hatred of particular religious, racial or ethnic groups) …”

  • Visualizing Obama’s budget cuts