• Co-sponsor H.R. 1100 to end the visa lottery!

    Fifty-two percent of all lottery visas have been awarded to Europeans, who represent 56 percent of all immigrants since 1820, dispelling the notion that true diversity was the goal of the lottery. The United States does not need to admit a single additional immigrant to ensure increasing ethnic and racial diversity in the U.S. — it is a demographic certainty. Additionally, the legal immigration flow of around one million per year and another estimated million coming illegally, 55,000 lottery visas have very little impact on diversity, no matter who the beneficiaries are.

  • Any border legislation must close asylum loopholes and mandate E-Verify

    I cannot understand why you and your Republican colleagues haven’t passed any legislation to help end the border crisis. Republicans won control of the House by promising to end the crisis and it’s time for you to make it happen. Total encounters at the U.S./Mexico border exceeded 150,000 in January and February and apprehensions of illegal border crossers have exceeded 125,000 for 24 straight months; it’s clear that this problem isn’t going away.

  • Don’t launder illegal immigration; end it

    I was disappointed to hear President Biden tout amnesty during his State of the Union address instead of speaking on real strategies that will halt the border crisis he created.

  • Support underpaid U.S. workers by limiting immigration

    I’m angry that U.S. Labor Secretary Marty Walsh incorrectly claimed that “One of the biggest threats to our economy is not inflation or wage growth, it’s lack of workers. And immigration reform is a key to that.”

  • Help fix the border by cosponsoring H.R. 29, the Border Safety and Security Act

    I hope you will cosponsor H.R. 29, Rep. Chip Roy’s Border Safety and Security Act. The Biden administration refuses to do what is required to end the crisis at the border and H.R. 29 would force his Department of Homeland Security to end the flow of illegal aliens across the border. Specifically, this bill would:

  • End the border crisis

    Border Patrol agents are on pace to make more than 2 million apprehensions of illegal border crossers during the current fiscal year. It’s time for Congress to take action to end this historic border crisis!

  • E-Verify will help restore order at the border

    I ask you to please support U.S. workers by cosponsoring S. 156, the Accountability Through Electronic Verification Act to mandate E-Verify.

  • Cosponsor H.R. 319, the Legal Workforce Act

    H.R. 319, in addition to requiring employers to run new hires through the Chamber of Commerce-approved E-Verify system, would move illegal aliens out of U.S. jobs. Over time, the more than 7 million illegal aliens in non-agricultural jobs would be replaced by unemployed Americans and legal immigrants. While not solving America’s unemployment or illegal immigration problems, the Legal Workforce Act would certainly lessen their severity.

  • Restore hope to American workers

    Immigration should not undermine U.S. workers.

  • Please work with Congress to save America’s wilderness and biodiversity

    I recently read The New York Times article (12/9/22), titled “Animals are running out of places to live,” which described the massive loss of biodiversity and habitat for a huge number of species, which includes 1,300 struggling for survival in America. Although I’m happy that President Biden issued an executive order to protect 30% of the country’s lands by 2030, how can wildlife habitat be preserved while immigration into our country is accelerating fast?

  • Fair and responsible U.S. immigration policy should support U.S. workers

    U.S. tech talent struggle to find work. Limit immigration.

  • Congress asks Americans to sacrifice at the altar of eternal growth

    Stop squeezing Americans with constant immigration-driven growth.

  • Vote NO on H.R. 3648, the EAGLE Act

    In case you missed it, the big Tech companies that are lobbying for the EAGLE Act and more captive foreign workers just laid off more workers than in 2020 and 2021 combined. There is no labor shortage.

  • The world’s population is stabilizing, why not America’s?

    • Reducing immigration can lead to a sustainable America.
  • Oppose making temporary work visas permanent

    • Keep H-1B visas ‘TEMPORARY’ — Vote NO on H.R. 3648
  • Congress must lower immigration numbers

    • Mass immigration hasn’t delivered a fair economy. Moderate the numbers.
  • Cosponsor the SHORT Act!

    Gun Owners of America alerted me to the unconstitutional actions of the Biden Administration to restrict pistol braces. This trend of restricting my Second Amendment rights cannot continue. In the last election, all Governors who signed constitutional carry into law won reelection. Clearly, support for gun rights is an issue you can win on.

  • Cosponsor the SHORT Act!

    Gun Owners of America alerted me to the unconstitutional actions of the Biden Administration to restrict pistol braces. This trend of restricting my Second Amendment rights cannot continue. In the last election, all Governors who signed constitutional carry into law won reelection. Clearly, support for gun rights is an issue you can win on.

  • Population growth is overwhelming U.S.; please end chain migration

    America has a huge problem that’s getting worse. During the past 20 years, America has lost more than 11.5 million acres of open land (an area about the size of New Jersey and New Hampshire combined) to urban development. This trend is being fueled by population growth.

  • No path to citizenship in the lame duck. The border needs attention.

    I am very disturbed by Leader Schumer’s speech in front of the Capitol on November 16th, in which he said “We have a population that is not reproducing on its own with the same level that it used to. The only way we’re going to have a great future is if we welcome immigrants … get a path to citizenship for all 11 million [illegal immigrants].”