• DHS malfeasance

    I learned on CNN yesterday that serious corruption at DHS is threatening national security.

  • Oppose Senator Spector’s immigration proposal

    Thank you for standing up for American workers and opposing Sen. Specter’s proposal to import a million additional foreign workers each year.

  • Oppose Senator Spector’s immigration proposal

    I am writing to ask you to firmly oppose Sen. Specter’s amnesty for illegal aliens.

  • Oppose Senator Spector’s immigration proposal

    If you oppose amnesty, you must vote against Sen. Specter’s immigration proposal. It is a major illegal-alien amnesty.

  • Oppose Senator Spector’s immigration proposal

    No more amnesties! Please oppose Sen. Specter’s immigration proposal because it includes a major amnesty.

  • Intel Corp. on H-1B visas

    Chairman Intel’s comment makes clear how little the tech industry values the American worker. You have a responsibility to protect us from people like him.

  • Border security and ‘other than Mexicans’

    I hope you will use your influence to get a fence built along our border.

  • Support S. 1362

    It is vital that local law enforcement have the ability and funding to work in tandem with federal law enforcement dealing with criminal aliens. That is why I trust you will cosponsor the Homeland Security Enhancement Act of 2005.

  • American workers to rebuild after Katrina

    I think most of the victims of Hurricane Katrina will tell you that a guest worker program will NOT benefit the American people.

  • Oppose H.R. 2330

    Supporting H.R. 2330 suggests that one supports amnesty for illegal aliens. If that is not the case, I suggest you keep your name off this amnesty bill.

  • Thank you for supporting H.R. 4437

    Thank you for supporting Rep. Sensenbrenner’s H.R. 4437 to increase border security and interior enforcement.

  • A few more rounds

    Although I disagree with Jacob Sullum that the Second Amendment is the black sheet of the amendments (I happen to feel that description better fits the Ninth Amendment), I very much enjoyed his article.

  • Oppose gun control

    I am writing today to tell you of my utter opposition to the Staggers bill (H.R. 1412) and the Feighan/Brady bill (H.R. 7). As a student of history, it seems that these bills are trying to complete the job the British started back in 1775 when they marched on Concord to confiscate the weapons and ammunition the Colonials had gathered.

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