• Duke lacrosse team rape charges

    The complete exoneration of the Duke lacrosse team members of rape charges got me thinking about other seemingly similar abuses of government power, as evidenced by prosecutorial zeal.

  • Don Imus

    Shock jock Don Imus has shown that, to race baiters such as Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, race does matter … sometimes, more than anything else.

  • Conservation in nature

    According to the news today, an earthquake in the Solomon Islands has lifted a prime coral reef 10 feet free of the sea, effectively destroying the reef. That is, in a couple of minutes, “nature” destroyed something in a way that man could not have, short of using nuclear devices.

  • Liberal conservationism

    A friend of mine went to the Australian Open this year, and while down under he visited the Great Barrier Reef. He said that the water was so warm — 93 degrees — that the reef was dying. There are those among us — to whom I refer as liberal conservationists — who believe this rise in water temperature is due to human-caused global warming. For example, there is the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, which falsely claims:

  • Website of interest

    I found a website that perfectly encapsulates our national schizophrenia on several of the big issues we face. It’s a private website for a park, but not just any park: Border Field State Park, which includes the Tijuana River Sanctuary.

  • Obama for Resident

    Today’s paper reports that Barack Obama “announced his bid for president Saturday, a black man evoking Abraham Lincoln’s ability to unite a nation.” I don’t know which is more frightening: That the AP reporters and editors who produced this story are insane, or Obama is and no one else has yet noticed it.

  • Global warming = global control?

    It’s striking to see how the hysteria about “global warming” has ramped up in the last month or so. Since the big push to implement the Kyoto Protocol world-wide, I have had the impression that this was yet another attempt to transition to a one-world government. Today, we see in this article in the San Diego Tribune (https://www.signonsandiego.com/news/world/20070201-1047-france-us-carbontax.html), another aspect of this attempt. Control gives the ability to tax, and tax dollars enable more control — if by no other means than going after those who don’t pay the tax.

  • Website of interest

    I came across a a “fan site” for the U.S. Border Patrol — not your usual fare. It contains a lot of great information that you really have to look for elsewhere, and puts it into context.

  • Wages belie claims of a labor shortage

    I am contacting you to register my opposition to Senator Cornyn’s SKIL bill. Please, NO MORE IMMIGRATION!

  • Republican losses

    Some newspaper editorial writers have tried to spin the Republicans’ loss of the House of Representatives as proof that getting tough on illegal immigration is a political loser, but nothing could be further from the truth.

  • Oppose the DREAM Act (S. 2075)

    I urge you to oppose S. 2075, the DREAM Act. Please do not cosponsor this amnesty bill.

  • Cosponsor the CLEAR Act (H.R. 3137)

    Please cosponsor the CLEAR Act of 2005 (H.R. 3137). This legislation provides for needed help to federal law enforcement personnel in their battle against illegal aliens, especially those who commit serious crimes.

  • Support H.R 4437

    One only has to look at the effect of the Senate’s “compromise” bill to begin to understand how American communities and occupations will be flooded with gigantic new flows of foreign workers and dependents. I’m counting on you and your colleagues not to let this happen.

  • Troubled by your pro-amnesty vote

    I am troubled by your vote in favor of amnesty just prior to recess.

  • Vote no on the Hagel/Martinez proposal

    I am very disappointed to hear that you voted YEA on yesterday’s S. Amdt. 3192 to S 2454. Thank goodness it failed anyway. Today, I am writing in regards to the Hagel/Martinez bill, which as I understand it is 95% of the Judiciary Committee’s horrid amnesty proposal, which was voted down Thursday.

  • Oppose S. 1033

    Please do whatever you can to oppose S. 1033, a bill by Sens. McCain and Kennedy that would result in 25 million more foreign workers and dependents over the next decade.

  • No amnesty

    I hope I don’t have to march in the streets to get your attention.

  • Help our senators understand

    Our state’s two Senators need to take a page out of your book when it comes to passing an enforcement-only immigration bill. Please speak with them.

  • Oppose S. 1033

    Please do whatever you can to oppose S. 1033, a bill by Senators McCain and Kennedy that would result in 25 million more foreign workers and dependents over the next decade.

  • Marchers say gringos, not illegals, have to go

    I’m sending you this article in case you missed it: