• Hope for America

    What becomes of America, now that Obama has usurped the presidency? Clearly, if Obama has his way, we will be attempting to retry the failed experiment of the former Soviet Union, with Obama playing the role of Premier Comrade. If his goals are evidenced by his utterances, he plans to destroy the U.S. by making our well-being and security secondary to his anti-coal ideology, he plans to institutionalize corruption in government by making millions of citizens and non-citizens dependent on and beholding to the government for money, and he plans to fundamentally destroy the remains of our once-fair republic by throwing off the Constitutional limits in favor of a mandate for government to provide food, housing, jobs, iPods, diplomas, bling, and who-knows-what-else to everyone in the deserving class (as if our current “limited” government wasn’t already big enough). If he’s successful, there will be no more America by the end of his term.

  • Kleptocrats on parade

    According to an article in the Carolina Journal, “Democrats in the U.S. House have been conducting hearings on proposals to confiscate workers’ personal retirement accounts — including 401(k)s and IRAs — and convert them to accounts managed by the Social Security Administration.”

  • Why vote for Obama?

    I can understand not wanting to vote for John McCain — he’s a deeply flawed (and possibly insane) individual. However, this doesn’t explain the cult-like fervor of Obama supporters.

  • PDS (Palin Derangement Syndrome)

    The instantaneous hatred, fear, and loathing on the Left for Sarah Palin — or Palin Derangement Syndrome — mystifies me. I was talking with a “lifelong” feminist the other day, and she expressed the sentiment that we had to vote for Obama because if McCain became President and died, then Palin would be President. Her tone was one of horror.

  • Bailouts for billionaires revisited

    I’ll make this short and to the point, as a recital of the flaws of this bill — and indeed the entire concept of a government bailout — would consume far too much time.

  • Bailouts for billionaires

    I was very disappointed to hear that you voted for the last “bailout for billionaires” plan. Thank goodness it did not pass.

  • Subprime mess

    A few years back, we were told that non-white minorities were not being granted access to credit to buy homes the way whites were. The solution was to mandate that lenders give loans to non-whites.

  • Global warming — government style

    With record snowfalls and freezing temperatures across the planet, this whole global warming thing is pretty pathetic. As they say, there is no problem sufficiently small that there exists a governmental solution. So, no sooner does the government attempt to put us on a heat diet than it turns out there is little heat to be had.

  • Literal lies about the ‘Virtual Fence’

    So, Department of Homeland Security officials say the “Virtual Fence” that is supposed to secure our southern border is not only poorly conceived and late, it’s also not working. The wonderful thing about this announcement is that they make it as if they are trying so hard to secure our border, and this was the best effort they could make. Is anyone really shocked that the DHS can’t seem to secure our border under George Bush, who has made it abundantly clear that he wants Mexicans to have free access to the U.S.?

  • Democrats and plagiarism

    You gotta love Hillary Clinton’s charges of plagiarism against Barack Obama. For a couple of weeks now, it’s become clear to me that she’s upset that, having no substance herself or in her campaign, she’s run into an opponent with even less substance, who’s more successful.

  • Tusayan ruins

    We visited the Tusayan ruins today. The lie to the east of the main scenic portion of the Grand Canyon, and are said to have been inhabited by a group of Indians for 25-30 years back around 1065. The ruins consist of a couple of layers of the local rock, with some sort of mortar holding them together. It’s not clear whether these layers and/or the mortar are original, nor is it clear what happened to the rest of the rock (and mortar) that would have been needed for the walls. However, the visitors’ center shows a wonderful artist’s rendering of what the place looked like “back then.” Seeing as how the buildings are gone and so are the inhabitants, you have to wonder how they can be so certain.

  • The Senator formerly known as Hussein

    Over the years, we have referred to many personages of note by using first, middle, and last names, while the rest of us plod along with only first and last. As far as I can remember, outside of Mel Gibson’s movie, “Conspiracy Theory,” few have commented on this. Neither can I remember anyone commenting on the significance of the middle name, when it is the same as some other famous person. For example, I don’t remember anyone remarking on the irony that William Jefferson Clinton was not very much like Thomas Jefferson, or urging Clinton to act more like Jefferson because of his middle name.

  • ‘Economic stimulus’ payments to illegal aliens

    I’m writing today about H.R. 5140, which apparently includes a loophole that allows the IRS to send “Economic Stimulus” payments to illegal aliens.

  • Earth Day 2007

    Today we supposedly celebrate “Earth Day.” Until 1970, this day was known as the birthday of Lenin, the leader of the Bolshevik Revolution and first head of the Soviet state. Perhaps we should call it “Watermelon Day” — the day on which each of us looks Green on the outside while remaining Red on the inside.

  • Proving evolution

    We watched a show on the Discover channel last night dealing with the large dinosaur graveyard in Utah that contains a large number of Falcarius utahensis bones. Of course there were the typical confident pronouncements about conditions, creatures, and events millions and millions of years ago, but the description of this creature’s evolutionary path was especially striking.

  • Duke lacrosse team rape charges

    The complete exoneration of the Duke lacrosse team members of rape charges got me thinking about other seemingly similar abuses of government power, as evidenced by prosecutorial zeal.

  • Don Imus

    Shock jock Don Imus has shown that, to race baiters such as Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, race does matter … sometimes, more than anything else.

  • Conservation in nature

    According to the news today, an earthquake in the Solomon Islands has lifted a prime coral reef 10 feet free of the sea, effectively destroying the reef. That is, in a couple of minutes, “nature” destroyed something in a way that man could not have, short of using nuclear devices.

  • Liberal conservationism

    A friend of mine went to the Australian Open this year, and while down under he visited the Great Barrier Reef. He said that the water was so warm — 93 degrees — that the reef was dying. There are those among us — to whom I refer as liberal conservationists — who believe this rise in water temperature is due to human-caused global warming. For example, there is the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, which falsely claims:

  • Website of interest

    I found a website that perfectly encapsulates our national schizophrenia on several of the big issues we face. It’s a private website for a park, but not just any park: Border Field State Park, which includes the Tijuana River Sanctuary.