• H-1B visas

    I find your kowtowing to the Chamber of Commerce to be distressing. You have a duty to serve the American people, not lowlife businessmen who would rather hire illegal alien workers instead of unemployed Americans. Your actions to assist the Democrats on the Conference Committee to strip the American-worker protections from the Senate and House economic stimulus bills are absolutely revolting.

  • Continue to oppose S. 388

    There are millions of teenagers who would like to work summer jobs, but Sen. Mikulski’s bill, S. 388, would prevent hundreds of thousands of American youngsters from finding jobs. I know you cosponsored a similar bill during the 110th congress, but have so far refrained from cosponsoring this bill. Please do not cosponsor this bill or any other bill that would harm American workers.

  • End chain migration

    Please support Rep. Gingrey’s Nuclear Family Priority Act (H.R. 878).

  • Support E-Verify

    It is important that only American workers benefit from any jobs encouraged by the economic stimulus package. Please ensure that the two E-Verify amendments approved by the House of Representatives are in Senate version of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

  • Support E-Verify

    It is important that you support Sen. Ben Nelson’s efforts to ensure that American workers benefit from any economic stimulus.

  • Any ‘stimulus’ package must protect American jobs

    I saw an advertisement on CNN which states that America imports 1.5 million foreign workers each year. Why would we allow this to continue at a time when more than 11 million Americans are out of work?

  • Protect U.S. workers

    I am concerned that the Department of Homeland Security is not implementing measures that would protect American workers.

  • Stop importing foreign workers

    I am outraged that America is continuing to import 1.5 million workers per year when there are more than 11 million unemployed American workers. You must take immediate action to ensure that only American workers benefit from the economic stimulus package.

  • Protect U.S. jobs

    A new report released by the Heritage Foundation says that 300,00 construction jobs created by the economic stimulus package will go to illegal workers. This does not serve country’s interests!

  • S. 9 cosponsorship

    I find it appalling that you would even consider cosponsoring Harry Reid’s S. 9!

  • Support U.S. workers

    The United States lets over 140,000 foreign workers enter our country each month. This number is absurd considering our current unemployment numbers.

  • Protect American jobs

    Please do all you can to help American jobs and America’s jobless.

  • Stimulus monies must go to citizens

    The amendments offered to the stimulus package by Rep. Calvert and Rep. Kingston will help protect American jobs. Thank you for supporting their efforts.

  • Protect U.S. workers

    America lets in over 140,000 foreign workers each month. This number is far too high considering our current unemployment numbers.

  • Support jobs for U.S. citizens

    December’s unemployment figures are deeply troubling. All must be done to promote job growth!

  • Pardon or commute Ramos and Compean

    Please pardon or commute the sentences of Border Patrol agents Compean and Ramos. They have been sentenced to prison for stopping a drug-smuggler.

  • Free Ramos and Compean

    On October 19, 2006, former Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean were sentenced to 11 years and 1 day, and 12 years, respectively, in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas for the events surrounding their attempt to apprehend a drug trafficker who was delivering 743 pounds of marijuana valued at $1.2 million.

  • More Sarahs and fewer Arnolds

    I am sending this to you in case you missed it:

  • Auto industry bailouts

    I urge you to oppose any bailout of the auto industry, whether by taking existing funds from TARP, revising any previous loans, or making new grants.

  • Why John McCain?

    It may be time for the tin-foil hats, but I’ve been wondering for some months how and why John McCain came to be the Presidential candidate for the Republican Party. A year ago, the McCain campaign was low on funds, and he had some stiff competition from younger men with less baggage (i.e. S&L scandal, support for amnesty for illegal immigrants, years of bizarre behavior and flip-flopping on the issues, general signs of insanity, etc.). After the first three or four primary votes, McCain was trailing in the vote, trailing in the delegate count, trailing in the polls, and denying rumors that his campaign was bankrupt.