No amnesty
Resident Obama’s amnesty, as outlined in The New York Times, will create a firestorm of opposition from the millions of disenfranchised workers across the country. I hope Republicans in Congress can be counted on to stand up with American voters and oppose any form of amnesty.
Your multi-trillion-dollar budget
Fiscal irresponsibility and massive new deficits are not solutions to our economic problems.
California vehicle registration increase
I just received this year’s vehicle registration renewal, and I wanted to tell you how disgusted I am with you, your policies, and your trail of broken promises. Instead of going down this year, as it normally does, my registration fee skyrocketed from $244 to $413.
California business taxes
I’m sending this to you in case you missed it. Didn’t you run for governor on a promise to make California more business-friendly? Yet another lie, huh?
EPA and greenhouse gases
I write to express my about the endangerment finding for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that EPA plans to issue later this month as part of its response to Massachusetts v. EPA. The endangerment finding will set the stage for an economic train wreck and a constitutional crisis.
False Obama nomination papers
RE: Time-Sensitive Investigation of Obama’s Fraudulent Petition
No amnesty
It is absolutely appalling that so many Americans (13.2 million as of March) are unemployed. Luckily, Vice President Biden’s recent comments in Costa Rica make it clear that now is the wrong time to support any sort of mass amnesty.
No amnesty
It is absolutely appalling that so many Americans (13.2 million as of March) are unemployed. Luckily, Vice President Biden’s recent comments in Costa Rica make it clear that now is the wrong time to support any sort of mass amnesty.
Reduce immigration
There are more than 13 million out-of-work Americans and the number is growing by the day. Something must be done!
No to the DREAM Act
Why would you consider sponsoring the DREAM Act amnesty without first eliminating the chain migration categories that would reward the illegal alien parents of the amnestied illegal alien “children?”
No to the DREAM Act
You have shown a tendency of preferring illegal alien workers over unemployed Americans. Please change this tendency and oppose the anti-American worker DREAM Act amnesty.
You should have supported Sessions’ amendment
Sen. Sessions’ amendment to the omnibus would have protected millions of American jobs, yet you would not even support giving it a straight vote. How appalling!
Reject Pelosi’s ‘un-Americanism’
Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents do a fantastic job enforcing our nation’s laws. How can Speaker Nancy Pelosi call them “un-American?”
Protect our unemployed
Amnesty is not the answer to America’s illegal immigration debacle and would only make matters worse. Please do not support any amnesty proposed by the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.
No ‘comprehensive immigration reform’
In 2007 the American people rose up and prevented Congress from passing amnesty. With this in mind, why would you tell members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus that you supported “comprehensive immigration reform?” We both know this is nothing more than a fancy term for amnesty.
Enforce our immigration laws
A new Rasmussen poll shows that 67% of Americans support ICE’s workplace enforcement raids and 73% of Americans support automatic immigration checks at traffic stops. It is clear that the American people favor enforcement over amnesty!
Stop supporting amnesty
I am disappointed by your tendency to support amnesty legislation! Why would you support legislation that harms the job prospects of disabled Americans?
We need E-Verify
More than 7.7 million illegal aliens have jobs at a time when more than 11.5 million Americans do not. You can help some of these unemployed Americans by ensuring that E-Verify is reauthorized for at least 10 years.
Reauthorize E-Verify
It is absolutely imperative that E-Verify is reauthorized for at least ten years. You can ensure this occurs by supporting the addition of the reauthorization of the E-Verify program to the Omnibus Appropriations Bill.
No on S. 388
There are more than 1.6 million young Americans with high school diplomas who are looking for, but cannot find, a job. S. 388 would make it even harder these Americans to find jobs. How could a United States Senator propose a bill that will make life even more difficult for America’s unemployed? Thank you for not supporting this bill.