• No DREAM Act amnesty

    It is reprehensible that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid wants to force the DREAM Act amnesty on the American people during the lame duck session of Congress. You need to do the right thing and stand up to Sen. Reid and just say “No” to amnesty! Otherwise, your chances of winning reelection in 2012 will look dim.

  • DREAM Act

    It is reprehensible that the Congressional leadership wants to force the DREAM Act amnesty on the American people during the lame duck session of Congress. You need to do the right thing and just say “No” to amnesty!

  • DREAM Act

    I truly am disappointed, and more than a little shocked, that you have decided to support the DREAM Act amnesty. I would have thought that, given the recent election, you would be looking ahead to 2012 and would be opposing, not supporting, an anti-American amnesty bill.

  • DREAM Act support

    We truly are disappointed that you have decided to support the DREAM Act amnesty. We thought that, given the recent election, you would be opposing, not supporting, an anti-American amnesty bill.

  • Keep up the good work

    We are glad you have worked to protect at-risk American workers from increased foreign worker imports! 22 million Americans cannot find a job and we are glad you are looking out for them. We hope you will do even more to help out these Americans.

  • Oppose DREAM Act

    I understand that outgoing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is trying to force the DREAM Act amnesty through the House during the lame duck session. I hope you realize that the American people have made it loud and clear that we oppose amnesty and we expect Congress to uphold our will.

  • Oppose DREAM Act

    It is absolutely disgusting that Majority Leader Reid wants to force the DREAM Act amnesty through the lame duck session! I expect you to do the right thing for American workers and oppose this horrible mass amnesty.

  • Your immigration grade

    Your immigration voting record and that of most of your Democratic colleagues is absolutely dismaying. How can you and your colleagues support foreign worker increases when so many Americans cannot find a job?

  • No executive amnesties

    I hope you find Resident Obama’s willingness to circumvent Congress and allow USCIS and ICE to issue de fact amnesties to illegal aliens as repulsive and outrageous as I do. Please ask to become an original cosponsor of Rep. Lamar Smith’s HALT Act so that this practice is stopped at once.

  • Veto in-state tuition for illegals

    California is swimming in red ink. We cannot afford legislation that will unnecessarily increase our fiscal crisis. Please ask Gov. Schwarzenegger to veto S.B. 1460 and A.B. 1413 today.

  • Veto in-state tuition for illegals

    Please veto S.B. 1460 and A.B. 1413. Both bills will greatly add to California’s desperate financial situation.

  • No amnesty

    For the sake of every child who has had her identity stolen by an illegal worker, and every parent who has had to compete with illegal workers, please ask Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to keep the DREAM Act amnesty out of the Defense Authorization bill.

  • No DREAM Act

    I must admit that I have no idea why you support the anti-American worker, anti-American student DREAM Act amnesty. However, I hope you realize that a jobs depression is the wrong time to try to force this legislation through Congress.

  • Support Americans, oppose DREAM Act amnesty

    I find the Senate leadership’s plan to attach the DREAM Act amnesty to the defense authorization bill to be shocking. The authorization bill is supposed to fund our armed forces, not reward lawbreakers!

  • Abolish birthright citizenship

    An op-ed I read in Tuesday, August 31’s USA Today made some valid points regarding birthright citizenship loopholes that illegal workers exploit in order to stay in their U.S. jobs. I hope the points made in this editorial will convince you to sponsor a Senate version of H.R. 1868, a House bill to eliminate birthright citizenship for the children of illegal aliens.

  • End birthright citizenship

    An op-ed in August 31’s USA Today explains how birthright citizenship loopholes are exploited by illegal workers and tourists, and lead to more unemployed citizens and legal immigrant workers. I hope you will read this editorial and act to change the current (unacceptable) situation.

  • Why do you hate American workers?

    I must admit that I have no idea why you support the anti-American worker, anti-American student DREAM Act amnesty. However, I hope you realize that a jobs depression is the wrong time to try to force this legislation through Congress.

  • Oppose executive action amnesty

    How could Resident Obama even consider instructing USCIS to draw up a memorandum entitled “Administrative Alternatives to Comprehensive Immigration Reform?” Does he not believe it is the job of the people’s Congress to set immigration policy?

  • Oppose executive action amnesty

    Why on Earth would Resident Obama or his appointees at USCIS ever consider using executive actions to amnesty the 12-18 million (lawbreaking) illegal aliens living in the United States? The USCIS memo called “Administrative Alternatives to Comprehensive Immigration Reform” is truly odious.

  • End birthright citizenship

    I see the problem of anchor babies as a serious flaw in our immigration law. I am asking you to cosponsor H.R. 1868.