• Veto A.B. 1081

    I strongly oppose the legislation (A.B. 1081) that would turn down ICE requests for detaining illegal immigrants unless the individuals are convicted of serious felonies. Voters like me fear the consequences of such a policy and want you to veto the measure.

  • No privileges for illegals

    The federal government is giving illegal aliens a temporary stay from deportation, but states are responsible for deciding whether they will get driver’s licenses or other taxpayer-funded benefits. I hope you will follow the lead of Governors in Mississippi and Arizona and issue an executive order that prevents them from accessing any public benefit.

  • Support Romney’s immigration stance

    Representative Paul Ryan,

  • End birthright citizenship

    I oppose automatic citizenship granted to the children of illegal aliens.

  • Support ICE agents’ suit


  • End birthright citizenship

    I oppose automatic citizenship granted to the children of illegal aliens.

  • Support American workers

    Vice President Joe Biden:

  • No state benefits for illegals

    I’m sending you this in case you missed it. I urge you to follow the examples of Governor Brewer and Governor Heineman.

  • Allow ICE to follow the law

    This Administration’s ever-expanding policy of “prosecutorial discretion” that allows certain illegal aliens to avoid deportation and even get work permits gives ICE agents the discretion to determine which illegal aliens meet the criteria originally outlined in your August 2011 memo. However, it appears that your policy of “prosecutorial discretion” does not allow for any discretion whatsoever.

  • No eminent domain for residential mortgages

    I am writing to express concern about the “Homeowner Protection Program” Joint Powers Authority (JPA), which was created by the County of San Bernardino on April 10, 2012.

  • Oppose S.B. 249

    I am writing you to urge you to join Riverside County Sheriff Stan Sniff, myself, and hundreds of thousands of law abiding California citizen in opposing S.B. 249, which will be presented to the Appropriations Committee today (August 16th, 2012).

  • Emulate Brewer

    Arizona Governor Jan Brewer has taken another courageous step in defending our country and way of life by issuing an executive order denying driver’s licenses to illegal aliens, despite Traitor-in-chief Barack Hussein Obama’s illegal unilateral amnesty.

  • Obama on suspending deportations

  • Real security

    Obama: “Instead of sending troops to guard the Arizona border, we sent signs warning about the areas controlled by the Mexican drug cartels!”

  • Now that’s thrifty!

    The Resident arrived in Europe for the economic summit with an unprecedented entourage of over 500 people, including his personal chef, hairdresser, make-up people, writers, a man to play basketball with, and 12 teleprompters.

  • Obama’s lies

    Below is a list of Obama’s documented lies so far with the most recent lies first.

  • Obamacare’s top 10 most costly taxes and fees

    Below is a list of 10 of Obamacare’s most costly taxes and fees, drawn from research performed by tax policy expert Curtis Dubay of The Heritage Foundation:

  • Thoughts on voting

    “Half of the American people have never read a newspaper. Half never voted for President. One hopes it is the same half.” Gore Vidal

  • Guns don’t kill people …

    Guns don’t kill people. Drug cartels armed by our government kill people.

  • Oppose Illegal-Alien Detainer Bill

    Senator Sharon Runner: