• Delayed hit: U.S. job creation plunges

    Job creation slowed to a crawl during March, with the U.S. economy creating just 88,000 positions though the unemployment rate fell to 7.6 percent.

  • Tell the RNC establishment — no amnesty!

    We are disappointed that Sen. Rand Paul and GOP Chairman Reince Priebus are rushing to amnesty illegal aliens in an effort to reach Hispanic voters. Instead of amnestying illegal aliens and putting millions of Americans out of work, Republicans would be wise to push legislation to bring Hispanic Americans into the middle class. This is the best way of making Hispanic voters into Republican voters.

  • Cosponsor the New IDEA Act (H.R. 1292)

    It is disappointing that so many employers are willing to hire illegal aliens instead of unemployed Americans or legal immigrants. The New IDEA Act, H.R. 1292, would put a stop to this. Please cosponsor this common-sense legislation today!

  • Most don’t believe border security is in the works

    I find it disturbing that according to Rasmussen, only 9% of Americans believe it is “very likely” that the government “would actually secure the border and prevent illegal immigration” if Congress passes comprehensive immigration reform legislation. It is equally disturbing that Chris Crane, the head of ICE’s union, said that the border could never be secured if Congress passes immigration reform before ensuring that the border is secured. We urge you to postpone passage of an amnesty for illegal aliens so that the border can be secured once and for all.

  • The Idiot Elite: Rep. Diana Degette

    For this idiot-who-would-lead-us, gun magazines are the same as gun clips, which are the same as bullets, and thus can be used up so eventually there won’t be any.

  • The hits just keep on comin’

    You can almost hear Jay Carney shrugging away the bad news, reminding everyone that this must be what people want because we live in a democracy and this is what people voted for when they re-elected Obama.

  • Why We Need an Immigration Policy That Helps Americans

    By Senator Jeff Sessions

  • Obama on financial responsibility

    More from the biggest idiot ever to hold the office of the president.

  • The future of America?

    “Tell me and I will forget: South Africa 15 years after the Apartheid”

  • Reminder: How Mexico Treats ‘Undesirable’ Foreigners, by Michelle Malkin

    American politicians in both parties are stampeding all over themselves to pander to Mexico and adopt mass illegal alien amnesty schemes. But while the Mexican government lobbies for more “humane” treatment of illegal border crossers from their country into ours, Mexico remains notoriously restrictionist toward “undesirable” foreigners who break their laws or threaten their security.

  • Recognize this guy?

    Do you know who this is?

  • 55 Reasons Why California Is The Worst State in America

    Why in the world would anyone want to live in the state of California at this point? The entire state is rapidly becoming a bright, shining example of everything that is wrong with America.

  • Cosponsor the SAVE Act, H.R. 830

    Representative Paul Cook:

  • Oppose Gramnesty

    Senators and Representative:

  • I oppose your proposed amnesty

    After taking a closer look at your revived immigration proposal, it’s nothing more than the plan in 2007 that failed to pass through Congress. I urge you to work towards securing the border, mandating national use of E-Verify, and completion of the entry/exit system before addressing individuals who are illegally in this country.

  • End chain migration

    It would help all unemployed Americans if you were to cosponsor Rep. Phil Gingrey’s Nuclear Family Priority Act (H.R. 477)!

  • Oppose Obama amnesty

    I could not believe that Sen. Schumer said that the border doesn’t need to be secure before illegal aliens receive their amnesty and “pathway to citizenship!” What is he thinking?

  • Even union members don’t like amnesty

    I believe you and your fellow Democrats should take note of a recent Rasmussen poll. It shows that union members are not fond of your party’s immigration proposals.

  • No new amnesty

    I oppose the Senate Gang of Eight’s amnesty proposal to legalize millions of illegal immigrants.

  • That’s a good reason why they shouldn’t be residents in the first place

    Representative Darrell Issa: