Heads between knees, brace for impact
Obama hired back all the Clinton-era officials who caused the housing bust — so they can do it all over again
What ‘gun show loophole’?
The only thing they can’t take from you is your ability and willingness to use the guns you have to defend yourself against all enemies, foreign and domestic so make sure YOU ARE TRAINED.
The Gang of Eight’s Amnesty Lie: It’s worse than we feared
The Senate Gang of Eight has finally introduced its Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill, and it’s far worse than anything that could have been imagined. And YES, it rewards illegal immigration by granting work permits and (eventually) citizenship to those who entered the country prior to 2012.
If Rubio’s amnesty is so great, why is he lying?
by Ann Coulter
Hyocrisy On Parade Reid Was Against Illegal Immigration Before He Was For It
title: “Hypocrisy on parade: Reid was against illegal immigration before he was for it” layout: post categories:
- information tags:
- immigration—
Flashback: Arguments against amnesty
A wise New York Times editorial against amnesty — from the year 2000
Immigration Sophistry
Most laws are meant to stop people from doing something, and to penalize those who disregard those laws. More generally, laws are meant to protect the society from the law breakers.
Sowell: Fact-Free Crusades
Amid all the heated, emotional advocacy of gun control, have you ever heard even one person present convincing hard evidence that tighter gun control laws have in fact reduced murders?
Moral relativism and ‘gun control’
Gun Control: The theory that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her own pantyhose, is somehow morally superior to a woman explaining to police how her attacker got that fatal bullet wound.
Dueling headlines: Violence
Horrific day in Boston:
Dueling headlines: Innocent deaths
An epidemic of violence that demands immediate action to nullify the 2nd Amendment and strip law-abiding citizens of their natural rights:
I am compensating for being smaller and weaker than most violent criminals.
2nd Amendment: Guaranteeing all our other freedoms
Washington didn’t use his right to free speech to defeat the British, he shot them.
The One Number You Need to Know in O’s Budget
By Kevin D. Williamson
Illegal immigration robs the poorest Americans
Tom Tancredo covers study showing how native-born workers suffer wage loss
Useful idiots sign a petition to repeal the 2nd Amendment
Media critic and social analyst Mark Dice shows how people are literally in a trance as he gets people to sign a petition banning one of their birthright. The public’s zombie-like mental state is what will allow Caliph Hussein to get his gun ban through.
Libtards, by Dixon Diaz
Obama’s budget in one infographic
President Obama released his 2014 budget more than 60 days late. Not surprisingly, it doesn’t even attempt to balance the budget — now or in the future. Heritage.org put together this handy infographic on Obama’s budget to help you understand what’s in it and how it exposes the President’s worldview.
Here’s one reason why you might need a gun that holds more than ten rounds
National Field Marshal for the New Black Panthers King Samir Shabazz who was caught on video tape allegedly intimidating voters in Philadelphia in 08 is now in charge of the New Black Panthers plan to create inner city militaries that would go into nurseries and kill white babies and murder white people n the street.
Democrats’ human shields: Liberals go crazy for the mentally ill
Ann Coulter links mass public shootings with freeing of the deranged from institutions