Obama meets the Pope
Barack Obama: “Harry Reid said that I should be made a saint because of Obamacare!”
Dueling headlines: Climate change edition
Support the Border Security Caucus
Rep. Lamar Smith has started the House Border Security Caucus. I know you agree with its aims, so I hope you will join.
Stop fund-raising from un-American CEOs
American STEM workers, myself included, do not want you to allow legislation that increases foreign worker visas, to move through your committee. I hope your fundraising efforts in Silicon Valley do not mean that you support such legislation.
Evangelicals do NOT want amnesty
News reports are saying that evangelical leaders have been lobbying Republican Congressmen in favor of work permits and other benefits for illegal aliens. I hope you have heard about the new poll showing that the vast majority of evangelical Christians oppose Speaker John Boehner’s immigration proposals to reward illegal aliens with work permits and legal status. Please follow the immigration opinions of evangelicals — not evangelical leaders — as they happen to match my own.
Oppose Boehner’s ‘immigration principles’
Why is Roll Call saying that you haven’t decided whether to support Speaker Boehner’s “immigration principles?” These principles would devastate American workers and should not be supported. I hope you will make it clear that you actually oppose these principles.
Help abolish birthright citizenship
Birthright citizenship is an outdated practice that lures foreign nationals to the United States so their unborn children can become U.S. citizens. Please work to end this policy that most industrialized nations have already abandoned.
Support mandatory E-Verify
One of the biggest draws for foreigners who try and come to the United States illegally is a job. By requiring that all employers use E-Verify, the United States can take a giant step towards ending all illegal immigration. I support mandatory E-Verify, I urge you to do so as well.
Putin says: ‘Show me your boobs!’
Putin for President
He guards his country’s borders.
End chain migration
Chain Migration refers to the endless and often-snowballing chains of foreign nationals who are allowed to immigrate because the law allows citizens and lawful permanent residents to bring in their extended, non-nuclear family members. This has resulted in the doubling of legal immigration in recent decades. I oppose Chain Migration, and I hope you’ll support efforts to change the law, which will reduce overall immigration numbers.
Keep opposing Boehner on amnesty
I cannot believe that Speaker Boehner told a group of agricultural leaders that America just can’t handle mandatory E-Verify yet and “immigration reform” should come first. This counts as an amnesty by every definition of the word and I hope you will oppose it.
Fix APPS now
It has come to my attention that the California Department of Justice is now targeting law-abiding people for gun confiscation. That is NOT ACCEPTABLE and I need you to ACT NOW. The Legislature funded the DOJ’s “Armed Prohibited Person System” (APPS) through S.B. 140 last year — you must now take urgent steps to fix the DOJ’s APPS disaster.
Learning English
I hope every taxpayer saves this article (“Learning English,” Daily Press, February 15, 2014) for the next election where school crusaders come crying for more money “for the children.”
Dueling headlines: Obamacare edition
So, one of the knocks on Obamacare is that it is going to result in millions of persons either losing their jobs or having their hours reduced. Sounds bad, right? It’s not, though … in fact, this actually is a good thing according to Nancy Pelosi.
Senator Jeff Sessions comments on new admin immigration order bypassing Congress
WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), a senior member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, commented on the Administration’s latest executive immigration decree which loosens immigration screening standards for those who may pose a threat to national security:
Kenneth Palinkas, who represents our nation’s immigration officers at USCIS, recently charged that our immigration processing system has become a ‘visa clearinghouse for the world.’ Now, a newly disclosed internal audit of immigration procedures reveals that at least 70% of asylum applications contained warning signs of fraud. We also know that asylum-seekers at the southwest border have exploited a glaring enforcement loophole by simply asserting they face a ‘credible fear’ in their home countries. The frequent result is that those making the assertion, instead of being promptly removed or detained, are instead released into the U.S. pending a determination on their claims that may occur years into the future, and do not show up for the hearings.
In light of these and other facts, it is thus deeply alarming that the Obama Administration would move unilaterally to relax admissions standards for asylum-seekers and potentially numerous other applicants for admission who have possible connections to insurgent or terrorist groups. This includes terror groups not yet designated: Al Qaeda was not designated by the Department of State as a foreign terrorist organization until 1999—long after the first attack on the World Trade Center. The 2011 case of suspected terror operatives from Iraq being admitted to the U.S. only further underscores that our immigration system lacks the safeguards necessary to protect our country. We need to tighten security standards for asylum, not relax them even further.
DHS’ claim that they have authority to effectively eliminate whole swaths of the INA leaves one incredulous. It is one thing to approve a waiver in a particular case with uniquely compelling circumstances; it is entirely another thing to declare a plain legal requirement is null and void. What is the point of Congress passing a law if the Administration abuses its ‘discretion’ to say that law simply no longer applies? This is yet one more instance of the Administration rewriting U.S. code through executive decree.
Not only is this a national security issue, but a financial issue: those granted admission gain access to federal welfare programs funded by U.S. taxpayers. It seems the Obama Administration has forgotten that our immigration laws are meant to protect the interests of Americans. This action endangers our national security and defies duly-enacted law. This and other administrative actions bypassing Congress and plain law must end.
‘Immigration principles’
I cannot understand why the new “Standards for Immigration Reform” include virtually every point of the Democrats’ amnesty plans. How does it help the American people to legalize 11-18 million illegal aliens and give them work permits to boot? These are not the immigration “standards” the American people want or deserve.
It’s all amnesty
By any other name … “comprehensive immigration reform,” “path to citizenship,” “temporary protected status,” “earned citizenship” “legalization” … it’s still AMNESTY.
Republicans should represent the American worker
“The arguments compiled by FWD.us pushing for a massive surge in new workers from abroad have ignored the overwhelming literature, including broad research by the Congressional Budget Office, demonstrating that such a plan would reduce wages and job prospects for millions of struggling workers living here today.
Conserving water, and California
I found on-line your declaration of a state of emergency due to our drought conditions. The declaration reads in part: