• Trump details immigration plan to help American workers

    Donald Trump’s plan to reform America’s immigration system to benefit America’s workers is the best of all those running for the White House. I hope you will look at his plan and start working on instituting his proposals in the near future.

  • Put Americans first this Labor Day by reducing immigration and ending illegal-alien hiring

    Labor Day provides the nation the opportunity to reflect on the hard work performed by all Americans. With this in mind how can the Congress continue to allow employers to employ 8 million illegal alien workers and push for more foreign workers when 17 million Americans are without a full-time job?

  • Op-ed opposing legal immigration

    Mark Krikorian has written an op-ed for the National Review detailing the dangers mass legal immigration is causing for American conservatism. I have attached the article and I hope you will find time to read it.

  • Re-authorize E-Verify permanently

    E-Verify expires at the end of September and it’s time for Congress to permanently authorize the program and make its use mandatory for all employers. H.R. 1147, the Legal Workforce Act, would permanently authorize the program and mandate its use. I hope you will push for its passage.

  • End birthright citizenship!

    We see the problem of anchor babies as a serious flaw in our immigration law. I hope you will take action to end it by cosponsoring S.45 and H.R.140 that would end Birthright Citizenship.

  • Senate must act to eliminate sanctuary localities

    It is disappointing that the Senate has not yet acted to prevent sanctuary cities from receiving federal law enforcement funding. Now that the House has passed such legislation, I hope the Senate will follow suit by passing S. 1640, the Davis-Oliver Act. Please do all you can to make this happen.

  • Further action needed on Sanctuary bill

    While I am glad you voted to restrict certain funding to sanctuary localities, Congress must do more to block funding and encourage localities to comply with federal immigration law. The Davis-Oliver Act, H.R. 1148, would block federal law enforcement and SCAAP funding to sanctuary localities and needs to be passed. Please do all you can to make this happen.

  • An Op-Ed from The Hill you may have missed

    I hope you will take the time to read the attached op-ed from The Hill. Sanctuary cities need to be eliminated and this article makes that case well.

  • American cities should not provide ‘sanctuary’ for foreign criminals

    The recent shooting death by an illegal alien who had been previously deported from the U.S. 5 times, highlights the federal government’s refusal to enforce our country’s existing immigration laws. Please end the existence of so-called “sanctuary cities” by supporting S.1842 that would require cities and states to cooperate with federal immigration agents.

  • The fraud of ‘climate change’

    The fraudulent nature of “climate change” can be seen in its name. It would be bad enough if the climate didn’t change by itself over time, and progressives were attempting simply to hijack naturally-occurring phenomena for their own purposes, but it’s made worse by the fact that just a few years ago, the problem was supposed to be “man-made global warming,” then just “global warming.” Once neither of those panned out, despite assurances from the scientific community, Al Gore, the White House, NASA, etc., the AGW crew had to re-invent and rebrand itself. Hence: “Climate change.”

  • Oppose increases in H-1B visas

    A recent New York Times report highlights the stories of laid-off tech workers who have been forced to train their foreign-worker, H-1B replacements. I urge you to oppose increases in H-1B visas and instead help stop this ongoing and disturbing trend.

  • No tax credits for illegal aliens

    I was appalled to hear IRS Commissioner John Koskinen confirm that illegal aliens who receive amnesty through Pres. Obama’s executive actions would be eligible to receive tax credits from previous years. The administration continues to sell the president’s executive actions as simply a “relief from deportation”, but Commissioner Koskinen’s statement proves that it’s much more than that.

  • Force Obama to enforce immigration laws

    I hope you are as worried by the Obama administration’s recent decisions to restrict the ability of DHS and ICE to enforce immigration laws as I am. The administration has made it nearly impossible for the agencies to apprehend and detain illegal aliens. I hope you will pass important pieces of legislation to require the administration to enforce the law.

  • End sanctuary cities

    The recent shooting death by an illegal alien who had been previously deported from the U.S. 5 times, highlights the federal government’s refusal to enforce our country’s existing immigration laws. Please end the existence of so-called “sanctuary cities” by supporting the Davis-Oliver Act that would require cities and states to cooperate with federal immigration agents.

  • End sanctuary cities

    I cannot understand why Congress and the Obama administration are not requiring federal agencies to enforce immigration laws and not requiring states and localities to assist in enforcing the law. The tragic shooting death of an innocent San Francisco woman by a five-times deported illegal alien could have been prevented if the laws currently on the books were enforced. Please support and help to pass H.R. 1148, the Davis-Oliver Act. This bill would outlaw sanctuary cities and require all immigration laws to be enforced.

  • End sanctuary cities

    We cannot understand why Congress and the Obama administration are not requiring federal agencies to enforce immigration laws and not requiring states and localities to assist in enforcing the law. The tragic shooting death of an innocent San Francisco woman by a five-times deported illegal alien could have been prevented if the laws currently on the books were enforced. Please support and help to pass S. 1640, the Davis-Oliver Act. This bill would outlaw sanctuary cities and require all immigration laws to be enforced.

  • Stop Obama’s unfair, illegal-alien tax credits

    I was appalled to hear IRS Commissioner John Koskinen confirm that illegal aliens who receive amnesty through Pres. Obama’s executive actions would be eligible to receive tax credits from previous years. The administration continues to sell the president’s executive actions as simply a “relief from deportation,” but Commissioner Koskinen’s statement proves that it’s much more than that.

  • Stop Obama Administration program paying to relocate illegal aliens

    I was outraged to learn that the Obama administration is using taxpayer dollars to bring the children of illegal aliens to the United States. This simply encourages illegal immigration and I urge you to work to defund it.

  • Disney forces tech workers to train H-1B replacements

    A recent New York Times report highlights the stories of laid-off tech workers who have been forced to train their foreign-worker, H-1B replacements. I urge you to oppose increases in H-1B visas and instead help stop this ongoing and disturbing trend.

  • Cosponsor H.R. 2278 to end the visa lottery

    The visa lottery no longer meets the needs of U.S. immigration policy and harms the job prospects of unemployed Americans. With this in mind we hope you will cosponsor the bipartisan H.R. 2278, which would end this program.