• Cosponsor bill to end chain migration

    We would be grateful if you cosponsored H.R. 604, the Nuclear Family Priority Act, to end America’s chain migration problem.

  • Inappropriate electioneering

    Thanks to Liberty Utilities, the Apple Valley Chamber of Commerce, and the others who worked together to honor and thank our area’s first responders (“Community rallies in support of ‘Public Safety Heroes’,” Daily Press, July 27, 2016). Overall it was a wonderful event.

  • Dueling headlines: Obama on gun violence

    20160222 Obama 20160721 Obama

  • Three conditions for emergency funding

    On July 8, Pres. Obama submitted an $3.7 billion emergency funding request to help stop the illegal-alien border surge on the U.S.-Mexico border. Unfortunately, the President’s request would only help relieve the symptoms rather than fix the actual causes for the surge. I urge you not to approve any emergency funding unless the following conditions are included.

  • Supporting sanctuaries of crime and violence

    It is disappointing that you voted against the motions to invoke cloture on S. 3100 and S. 2193. The bills would have stopped sanctuary cities from shielding criminal aliens and would have saved Americans’ lives. I cannot understand you willingness to protect illegal aliens at the expense of innocent Americans.

  • Don’t cave in on gun legislation

    A couple of weeks ago, Democrats made a mockery of the House by sitting on the floor, whining — metaphorically holding their breath until they turned blue. Yet with Obama in the White House and Democrats holding supermajorities in the House and Senate in 2009-2010, the Democrats did nothing to pass gun control legislation, which they now falsely claim is vital to public safety.

  • Balanced budget?

    You quoted Town councilman Larry Cusack as stating, “Throughout my first term on the Town Council, we have continued to operate a conservative and balanced budget …” (“Cusack seeking re-election to Apple Valley Town Council,” Daily Press, July 4, 2016). As Inigo Montoya would say, “I don’t think that means what you think it means.”

  • Thanks for voting against military amnesty

    Your vote in favor of the Gosar amendment to the NDAA shows that you support our troops and oppose giving illegal aliens amnesty and legal status. Thank you.

  • Support mandatory E-Verify

    Please pass legislation that would require all employers to use E-Verify. Mandating E-Verify will prevent illegal aliens from finding jobs and help Americans get back to work.

  • Oppose H-2B foreign worker increases

    I am disappointed that some in Congress are pushing for the FY2017 DHS appropriations bill to quadruple H-2B numbers to 264,000. Doing so would harm all American workers, especially lower-skilled and less-educated Americans. Please do all you can to ensure the FY2017 DHS appropriations bill doesn’t increase H-2B numbers.

  • End sanctuary city funding

    We urge you to support both S. 3100, the Stop Dangerous Sanctuary Cities Act, and S. 2193, Kate’s Law, when the Senate votes on them. Sanctuary cities provide refuge for dangerous criminals and need to be eliminated. Please vote in favor of these bills and help to protect the American people.

  • Don’t ignore American concerns over high immigration after Brexit vote

    Post-Brexit, there is no place for scapegoating immigrants or for bashing those of us who recognize the need to moderate immigration numbers.

  • Time to take action against sanctuary cities

    I am contacting you today to ask that you vote YES on two upcoming bills.

  • Another Town cover-up

    Responding to your posting of an article with accompanying video about a melee after a concert, Apple Valley Town Marketing & Public Affairs Officer Kathie Martin said, “Please know that our number one goal is the safety and security of our community …” (“Brawl at Apple Valley Concert Series leads to three teens arrested,” Victor Valley News Group, June 24, 2016).

  • Don’t let Congress pass anti-gun measures

    As your constituent, I am writing you today to urge you to oppose any and all gun control legislation that may be considered in the wake of the terrorist attack in Orlando.

  • Don’t let Congress pass anti-gun measures

    The Orlando killer wasn’t on a “no-fly” list.

  • Please cosponsor and vote for H.R. 4980

    Constitutional rights cannot be denied without due process of law. But that’s exactly what the Obama administration is doing. Mismatched fingerprints, spelling errors and duplicate names mean thousands of law-abiding Americans are wrongly flagged as criminals and denied the right to buy a gun.

  • A petition to repeal the 2nd Amendment (college edition)

    Media critic and social analyst Mark Dice shows how casually sign a petition to ban one of their birthright.

  • Young Americans deserve jobs

    Nearly 40% of young Americans with a high school education or less cannot find a job. The seasonal and entry-level jobs available for previous generations are simply not there because employers are able to hire an increasing number of H-2B workers. To make matters worse, some of your colleagues want to quadruple H-2B numbers as part of the FY2017 DHS appropriations bill. Please do all you can to prevent this from happening so that these Americans are able to enter the workforce.

  • Unions oppose H-2B increases

    The AFL-CIO and other labor unions are opposing efforts to quadruple H-2B worker numbers as part of the upcoming FY2017 DHS appropriations bill. Please do all you can to support American workers and oppose these foreign worker increases.