Thank you for supporting the Second Amendment
As a Second Amendment supporter, I am writing to express my gratitude for your No votes on H.R. 8 and H.R. 1112.
Please oppose new gun control legislation
As a voter in your district, I’m writing today to ask that you please oppose any new gun control legislation. Rather than blaming law-abiding gun owners for the acts of criminals and widespread failings of government agencies at the federal and state level, please support and focus on legislation that will protect our schools and fix our broken mental health system.
Oppose H.R. 8, H.R. 1112, and S. 42
Please oppose any attempt to impose any universal background check legislation.
Oppose the Democratic Amnesty Bill
Oppose the Democrats’ amnesty bill, H.R. 6.
Protect the Second Amendment and vote no on H.R. 8 and H.R. 1112
As your constituent and a strong supporter of our Second Amendment rights, I write today urging you to oppose any new gun control measure that places undue burdens on law-abiding Americans, including the latest bills H.R. 8 and H.R. 1112.
Support President Trump’s immigration principles
I was very pleased to see President Trump’s list of immigration principles and I support most of them. Foremost among these principles are mandating the use of the E-Verify system and ending chain migration.
Support President Trump’s border security request
During his primetime address, President Trump reiterated the need for more resources at the border, notably $5.7 billion for new fencing, to combat illegal immigration and mitigate the harm it causes:
Reduce immigration to help more americans return to work
More Americans are back to work than ever thanks to your policies — do even more by reducing legal immigration!
It’s time to act on President Trump’s State of the Union message
Please work to make President Trump’s State of the Union immigration goals a reality!
Help end the visa lottery
Please cosponsor H.R. 479 to end the visa lottery!
Don’t trade amnesty for border security
Please focus on securing the border, not on amnestying illegal aliens!
Cosponsor the bill to end chain migration
Please consider supporting H.R. 891, the Nuclear Family Priority Act, to end chain migration.
Cosponsor H.R. 140 to end birthright citizenship
Please help to end birthright citizenship by cosponsoring H.R. 140
Five facts for socialists
- Five things socialists will never understand
Please do not cosponsor S. 7
I encourage you to REFUSE to cosponsor S. 7, the “red flag” gun grab bill.
Oppose American-worker-harming provisions in the spending bill
According to the Washington Times, Congressional Republicans are working with the pro-foreign worker business lobby to make it even more difficult for less-educated and lower-skilled Americans to find work. I urge you not to increase H-2B visas during the lame duck and to oppose a provision that would lift the per-country caps for employment-based green cards.
Meadows/Jordan Amendments would fund border security and prevent future caravans
Please support the Meadows/Jordan amendments to the upcoming spending bill!
Pass H.R. 391 to close asylum loopholes!
The 5,000-strong caravan of illegal Honduran migrants aims to take advantage of a loophole in our immigration laws to cross the border. The Obama administration allowed asylum seekers to use a fear of crime or domestic abuse as a claim for asylum even though U.S. law clearly states that asylum seekers must have a fear of “persecution in their home country because of their race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group.”
Confirm Kavanaugh now
The just-released FBI background check of Judge Brett Kavanaugh confirms what everyone already knew: He is fit to serve on the Supreme Court. You must vote to confirm Kavanaugh, period. While Judge Kavanaugh has been a paragon of knowledge and wisdom, his accusers have been shown not only to have no credibility, but also to have no limit as to how low they will go in their baseless attacks on him. Sadly, this latter group includes some senators. Facts and truth matter. Therefore, you must vote to confirm Kavanaugh.
Shut down the circus and confirm Kavanaugh
We should brook no further delay of a full Senate confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s appointment to the Supreme Court.