Serious about immigration? Push E-Verify
E-Verify reduces discrimination. An employer that uses E-Verify must use it for all new hires, and its use encourages employers to hire Hispanics, and immigrants of all kinds.
Block the TPS amnesty bill
Please block a vote on S. 636, the Venezuela Temporary Protected Status Act of 2019.
No government takeover
I am greatly concerned about Bullhead City’s proposal to seize our water company (“City files EPCOR referendum with county,” Mohave Daily News, July 17, 2019). This has been tried over and over and over again in cities and towns all over the country, and the results are rarely if ever as promised by the politicians who push for these measures.
I wish you had not voted to scrap per-country caps
I cannot understand your vote in favor of H.R. 1004. According to the Congressional Research Service, “shorter wait times for LPR status might actually incentivize greater numbers of nationals from India, China, and the Philippines to seek employment-based LPR status. If that were to occur, the reduction in the number of approved petitions pending might be short-lived. In addition, absent a per-country ceiling, a handful of countries could conceivably dominate employment-based immigration, possibly benefitting certain industries that employ foreign workers from those countries, at the expense of foreign workers from other countries and other industries that might employ them.”
Disappointed in your vote on H.R. 1044
I cannot understand your vote in favor of H.R. 1004.
Oppose H.R. 1044
Please oppose H.R. 1044 to remove the per-country cap on employment visas.
H.R. 3401 fails to address causes of the crisis and lacks enforcement funding — Vote NO
The House of Representatives will vote TODAY on H.R. 3401, the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations for Humanitarian Assistance and Security at the Southern Border Act.
It’s time to end the border crisis: Demand a vote on H.R. 3056!
I’m shocked that the House has yet to vote on H.R. 3056, the Border Crisis Supplemental Appropriations Act, to deal with the ongoing border crisis. I urge you to demand an immediate floor vote on this badly needed spending package! This crisis has gone on long enough, and it’s time for Congress to act!
H.R. 2740 would worsen the border crisis — please vote NO!
H.R. 2740 only benefits drug cartels and people traffickers — please oppose it!
Just say NO to amnesty
Oppose amnesty legislation — focus on the border surge!
Thank you for voting against amnesty
Thanks for voting against amnesty!
Vote NO on H.R. 6 no-strings amnesty for 4 million illegal aliens
I was outraged to learn that the House of Representatives will hold a vote on H.R. 6 sometime this week. H.R. 6 is a mass amnesty bill that will give amnesty to millions of Dreamers and TPS recipients — including gang members, human traffickers, and other criminals — without doing anything to secure the border. Specifically, Dreamers may have committed serious crimes and still qualify for an amnesty:
Oppose DREAM and TPS Amnesties
Please oppose any dangerous pro-criminal amnesty, including the proposed DREAM and TPS Amnesties currently before you.
Reduce green card numbers
We do need more enforcement, but we also need to reduce green card numbers!
New poll shows concern over our border crisis
Please take steps to combat border crisis.
Cosponsor legislation to close immigration loopholes
Please cosponsor H.R. 586, the Fix the Immigration Loopholes Act.
Please cosponsor the RAISE Act
Please cosponsor the RAISE Act to reduce immigration.
Please cosponsor H.R. 140 to end birthright citizenship
Help to end birthright citizenship by cosponsoring H.R. 140.
Oppose H.R.6, the Democrats’ amnesty bill
I am writing to urge you to vote against H.R. 6, which represents a mass amnesty for illegal aliens.
It is time for Congress to act on the border crisis
You need to take action to tackle the border crisis.