Stop Pelosi from legitimizing her sham impeachment witch hunt
I’ve learned that Nancy Pelosi and more radical elements of the Democratic Party in Congress have officially launched impeachment proceedings against President Trump.
Thank you for co-sponsoring H.R. 250
Thanks for co-sponsoring H.R. 250 to mandate E-Verify!
Record-high commutes are made worse by record-high immigration
Please consider the impact of mass immigration on the quality of life of your constituents.
Pass legislation to end the border crisis
Support the Border Patrol and end the border surge!
No impeachment
My wife and I are utterly and unalterably opposed to any move to impeach President Trump. He’s our president, and he’s doing a great job. Just imagine how much greater our country could be if you would pitch in? I recommend starting with mandating E-Verify, securing our borders, and ratifying the USMCA.
Help end the visa lottery
Please co-sponsor H.R. 479 to end the visa lottery!
Co-sponsor bill to end chain migration
I urge you to co-sponsor H.R. 891, the Nuclear Family Priority Act!
No impeachment
President Donald Trump was duly elected by the American people and it is far past time that Congress accept the results of the election and get back to doing the work of the American people.
U.S. immigration policy contributing to crisis in bird populations
North America’s bird populations are being pushed by us to the edge of extinction. Will you stand up to confront the elephant in the room?
Oppose William Barr’s gun control
92% of gun owners would not vote for a senator who supports universal background checks
Vote no on gun confiscation legislation
98% of voters will NOT vote to reelect a legislator who votes for red flags
Please confirm the President’s nominees
As a FreedomWorks activist I’m urging you to confirm President Trump’s conservative nominees.
Stop H.R. 8 and H.R. 1112
H.R. 8 would criminalize the private sales of firearms that don’t get prior government permission. Of course, the bill is not limited to that, as it criminalizes the “transfer” of a firearm without a Brady check.
Oppose H.R. 1585
Please oppose the House-passed version of H.R. 1585. I agree with Gun Owners of America that the anti-gun provisions in this bill pretend to help “battered women,” but in fact leave them disarmed and vulnerable to their abusers.
It’s time to deregulate suppressors
Anti-gun advocates are waging war against the Second Amendment, but you have the opportunity to stand up for the God-given rights of millions of Americans.
Serious about immigration? Push E-Verify
E-Verify reduces discrimination. An employer that uses E-Verify must use it for all new hires, and its use encourages employers to hire Hispanics, and immigrants of all kinds.
Block the TPS amnesty bill
Please block a vote on S. 636, the Venezuela Temporary Protected Status Act of 2019.
No government takeover
I am greatly concerned about Bullhead City’s proposal to seize our water company (“City files EPCOR referendum with county,” Mohave Daily News, July 17, 2019). This has been tried over and over and over again in cities and towns all over the country, and the results are rarely if ever as promised by the politicians who push for these measures.
I wish you had not voted to scrap per-country caps
I cannot understand your vote in favor of H.R. 1004. According to the Congressional Research Service, “shorter wait times for LPR status might actually incentivize greater numbers of nationals from India, China, and the Philippines to seek employment-based LPR status. If that were to occur, the reduction in the number of approved petitions pending might be short-lived. In addition, absent a per-country ceiling, a handful of countries could conceivably dominate employment-based immigration, possibly benefitting certain industries that employ foreign workers from those countries, at the expense of foreign workers from other countries and other industries that might employ them.”
Disappointed in your vote on H.R. 1044
I cannot understand your vote in favor of H.R. 1004.