The fraud of ‘climate change’

The fraudulent nature of “climate change” can be seen in its name. It would be bad enough if the climate didn’t change by itself over time, and progressives were attempting simply to hijack naturally-occurring phenomena for their own purposes, but it’s made worse by the fact that just a few years ago, the problem was supposed to be “man-made global warming,” then just “global warming.” Once neither of those panned out, despite assurances from the scientific community, Al Gore, the White House, NASA, etc., the AGW crew had to re-invent and rebrand itself. Hence: “Climate change.” Continue reading The fraud of ‘climate change’

Why John McCain?

It may be time for the tin-foil hats, but I’ve been wondering for some months how and why John McCain came to be the Presidential candidate for the Republican Party. A year ago, the McCain campaign was low on funds, and he had some stiff competition from younger men with less baggage (i.e. S&L scandal, support for amnesty for illegal immigrants, years of bizarre behavior and flip-flopping on the issues, general signs of insanity, etc.). After the first three or four primary votes, McCain was trailing in the vote, trailing in the delegate count, trailing in the polls, and denying rumors that his campaign was bankrupt.
Continue reading Why John McCain?