The multi-trillion dollar cost of amnesty

I was astounded to learn that the Heritage Foundation’s Robert Rector has just released a study showing that the Gang of Eight’s amnesty bill would cost U.S. taxpayers at least $6.3 trillion. As horrible as this number is, the legislation will cost Americans much, much more as the study only includes the amnesty provisions, not those that allow 22 million more legal immigrants to come to the U.S. over the next decade. Please oppose this legislation.
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$6.3 trillion cost of amnesty

We wanted to make sure you were aware of the Heritage Foundation’s new study which conclusively proves that the amnesty provisions of the Gang of Eight’s comprehensive amnesty bill would cost U.S. taxpayers at least $6.3 trillion. This is in addition to the costs caused by the importation of 22 million legal immigrants over the first decade of the bill. We know you realize that America cannot afford to amnesty 11 million illegal aliens, as doing so would force Congress to reduce spending on services to those Americans most in need. Please oppose this bill.
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Gang of Eight shunning law enforcement

Recently, ICE Union President Chris Crane told a Senate Committee about the Gang of Eight’s refusal to meet with any law enforcement when they drafted its immigration bill. How are we supposed to enforce our nation’s immigration laws when the opinions of these men and women are ignored by Congress? I hope you’ll ensure these Americans are heard.

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The Gang of Eight’s amnesty is filled with loopholes

It is important that you act against the Schumer-McCain amnesty legislation. I agree with the growing chorus who say that the bill will not secure the border and will not stop the flow of illegal aliens. However, it is clear that the bill will provide an easy path to amnesty for illegal aliens.
Continue reading The Gang of Eight’s amnesty is filled with loopholes