Stop immigration now

Martin Luther King, Jr. strived for racial equality and that equality has been achieved in many arenas. However, it is still lacking in terms of employment, particularly for Black men. I urge you to consider reducing immigration numbers, which are far too high, so that all Americans have a good chance of finding a job.

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Visa fraud must be a top priority

As a tech worker, I was appalled to learn that the Labor Department has decided that visa fraud is no longer a top priority. How can this be the case when Infosys, one of the largest tech firms in the world, was forced to pay $34 million for falsifying H-1B applications? Americans are losing their jobs due to visa fraud and you must ensure it remains a top priority.
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Fight income inequality: Oppose further immigration

I believe you need to help President Obama to fight income inequality by reducing the future flow of foreign citizens given green cards and lifetime work permits.

Sen. Jeff Sessions is right to point out that low-skilled immigration is driving low-skilled American workers out of the workforce:

Continue reading Fight income inequality: Oppose further immigration

Signal your opposition to ‘immigration reform’

Republican pro-amnesty Representatives are circulating a letter urging the House Republican leadership to support comprehensive immigration. I urge you not to sign this letter. Signing this letter will give President Obama a hope because comprehensive immigration reform is one of his biggest policy goals and would include and amnesty for illegal aliens.
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The ‘labor shortage’

As a construction worker, it disappoints me that construction employment is nearly 2 million below is previous peak. There’s a lot of hiring to be done and a lot of unemployed Americans willing to work in the industry if Congress passes legislation to get things moving. However, passing any amnesty or immigration reform will only make things worse for all American workers.
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