As a matter of a decades-long misguided policy, the Federal government has granted citizenship to children born to illegal alien mothers. This is a reward to those parents who have entered or stayed in the United States violating immigration laws, including those who arrived during the 2021-2024 border crisis.

It’s time to align our birthright citizenship policy with that of most other developed countries worldwide. The United States is virtually the only industrialized nation that still practices automatic birthright citizenship for the children of tourists, temporary workers, and inadmissible aliens. Fixing this issue was one of the mandates we, the voters, gave to President Trump last November.

I demand that you drop your lawsuit and recognize that the 14th Amendment intended to ensure that recently emancipated slaves were full citizens, not to devalue U.S. Citizenship by offering it to any non-citizen or illegal alien who happened to be on U.S. soil when they gave birth, as stated by the original author of the clause, Republican Senator Jacob Howard.

Greg Raven, Apple Valley, CA

Sent to:
Rob Bonta