I can’t believe how much urban sprawl there’s been in America during the past 20 years — more than 11.5 million acres of open land (an area about the size of New Jersey and New Hampshire combined) has been developed. This trend is being fueled by population growth.

Urban sprawl is chewing away at America’s natural heritage and is driving down the quality of life. Unless America changes course, our nation will endure natural resource depletion, a lack of affordable housing, and more traffic congestion for the indefinite future. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, America’s population will reach 404 million by 2060, another 75 million people, with roughly 90% due to immigration.

America’s only hope for a sustainable future is to take steps to reduce our high immigration rates (e.g., limit chain migration to immediate family). Such an effort would create a humane immigration system that respects the dignity of every person while allowing for America’s population to stabilize and save our nation’s dwindling open spaces. Future generations will be grateful for your leadership.

Greg Raven, Apple Valley, CA

P.S. Secure our borders. Stop the influx of immigrants and refugees. Implement the Congressionally-mandated biometric entry/exit system. Evict those here illegally. End chain migration. End birthright citizenship. End the visa lottery. End amnesty. End asylum. End catch-and-release. Make E-Verify mandatory. And more! Illegal immigration is a weapon of mass destruction!

Sent to:
Alex Padilla, Dianne Feinstein