Support American workers, not Big Tech’s profits. Cosponsor H.R. 6206.

H-1B and OPT visa programs allow employers to exploit foreigners while displacing American tech workers.

This month in The Tablet, professor Micheal Lind wrote how guest workers “are bound to the employers that sponsor them, and who are thus more easily manipulated and intimidated than either free American citizen-workers or immigrants with green cards who can quit bad employers.”

Last month, Politico reported on H-1B visa recipient turned U.S. citizen Salil Choudhary who now views the visa program as “a big scam.”

Please help end this exploitation and cosponsor H. R. 6026, the American Tech Workforce Act of 2021.

Greg Raven, Apple Valley, CA

P.S. I know you’re a tech guy, but I hope you agree with me that American companies should hire American workers.