Please read “Bill Clinton Saved His Presidency. Here’s How Biden Can, Too.” (The New York Times, November 8). Democrats Mark Penn (adviser to the Clintons) and Andrew Stein (former president of the New York City Council) have important advice for Democrats:

“After the 1994 congressional elections, Bill Clinton reoriented his administration to the center and saved his presidency. Mr. Biden should follow his lead, listen to centrists, push back on the left and reorient his policies to address the mounting economic issues people are facing.”

The House version of Build Back Better is fatally flawed with what would be the largest amnesty in U.S. history. Penn and Stein remind us that Obama voters flipped to Trump over immigration, but Bill Clinton saved his presidency by standing up to the radical fringe of his party and moving toward the center. Don’t wait for the House to make this tragic mistake. Speak up in opposition now.

Greg Raven, Apple Valley, CA

P.S. Secure our borders and evict those already here illegally.