Please oppose the H.R. 6 enforcement-free amnesty!

H.R. 6 is a mass amnesty bill that will give an amnesty to millions of Dreamers and TPS recipients, including gang members, human traffickers, and other criminals, without doing anything to secure the border. Specifically, Dreamers may have committed serious crimes and still qualify for an amnesty:

  • criminals may receive an amnesty as long as they haven’t committed a felony and haven’t committed 3 or more misdemeanors not occurring on the same date and not arising out of the same act, omission, or scheme;
  • criminals may receive an amnesty if they have been convicted of human smuggling;
  • one misdemeanor can be waived if the illegal alien has no convictions during the previous 5 years; and
  • two misdemeanors can be waived if the illegal alien has no convictions during the previous 10 years.

It is appalling that Congress is even considering this legislation. Rewarding people who have broken our laws only encourages more people to break the law. Moreover, voting on a no-strings, enforcement-free amnesty while there is a serious crisis at the border is morally repugnant. This legislation, if it passes, would only make the crisis worse and encourage more illegal immigration.

I urge you to oppose the H.R. 6 mass amnesty. The priority must be to end the crisis at the border, not to make the crisis worse and not to reward criminals.

Greg Raven, Apple Valley, CA

P.S. Stop all immigration. Stop all refugee resettlement. Evict the illegals who are already here.

Sent to:
Alex Padilla, Dianne Feinstein