Gun Owners of America tells me that you voted against Merrick Garland for Attorney General.

Thank you for opposing this anti-gun leftist.

Garland is anti-gun to his very core, even though he repeatedly evaded questions from Senators on the Second Amendment.

When Senator Cotton asked Garland whether the FBI can indefinitely delay firearms purchases, Garland said that he had “no opinion”!

At his Judiciary Committee hearing, Garland wouldn’t promise to keep his DOJ from trying to overturn the Heller decision. He said, “I can’t promise [that I won’t argue for overturning Heller].” (Emphasis added.) Seriously!

But Garland let his true colors show when, concerning the semi-auto ban, Garland said, “I think the president is entitled to pursue [a ban on commonly-owned firearms].”

So again, thank you for casting your vote against such a dangerous nominee.

Greg Raven, Apple Valley, CA