I implore you to stop your attacks against conservative ideals and people.

History has proved that all people suffer (except those who are part of the liberal power elite) under the radical, big-government policies you favor.

The best — and only — way for you to truly make life better for your constituents is if you:

  • Stop illegal immigration by securing our borders and enforcing the laws;
  • Balance the federal budget by slashing the size of government;
  • End pork-barrel spending and the buying of votes in Congress;
  • Eliminate today’s federal tax code and replace it with a new, fair, flat tax;
  • Free our children and grandchildren from the crushing national debt;
  • Replace Obamacare with a market-driven, patient-centered reform;
  • Take care of our military and our veterans;
  • Uphold the Constitution;
  • Believe in the power of “we, the people.”

Our forefathers founded America based on the timeless idea that all men are created equal, and that they are endowed with God-given, unalienable rights to life, liberty. and the pursuit of happiness. Moreover, they believed that government existed solely to secure those rights and that its power derived from the consent of the governed. From these principles flow the freedoms that have made the American Dream possible.

Our children and grandchildren depend on us as stewards of these principles. I ask you to act in their defense.

Greg Raven, Apple Valley, CA