Support the Border Patrol and end the border surge!

The border surge didn’t resolve itself while you were on August recess and it’s past time for you and your colleagues to tackle this problem. Border Patrol agents are doing all they can to stem the tide of illegal border crossers, but they need Congress’ help to end the crisis. To end this crisis, you and your colleagues must pass legislation that:

  1. Strengthens the credible fear standard to ensure that only foreign nationals who are likely to have their cases approved by a judge can enter a claim for asylum;
  2. Closes the Flores Settlement Agreement loophole that requires the feds to release minors who cross the border illegally from custody within 20 days; and
  3. Reforms the Anti-Trafficking Reauthorization Act so unaccompanied alien children from non-contiguous countries are treated the same as those from contiguous countries.

Until this happens, the Border Patrol and other government agencies will continue to be frustrated in their attempts to stop the border surge. Please help the brave men and women protecting our borders by passing legislation to end the surge.

Greg Raven, Apple Valley, CA