Please oppose White House efforts to increase immigration and harm American workers.

Why are White House staffers working on plans to increase immigration? It was very concerning to hear the president say, “I need people coming in because we need people to run the factories and plants and companies that are moving back in. We need people.” However, it was extremely worrying to read in McClatchy that, “The senior administration official said the White House is rethinking some policies that it supported before, such as the Sen. Tom Cotton’s RAISE Act, which would institute a merit-based system to determine who is admitted to the country — that the White House continues to support — but would also slash legal immigration.”

The economy has improved, but there are still far too many Americans who want a full-time job, but are unable to find one. Worse still, wage growth is still very sluggish. Increasing the number of foreign workers would only drive down wage growth and make it much more difficult for Americans to find full-time work or get back in the job market.

I hope you will oppose efforts to increase immigration numbers. Instead, I urge you to support efforts to reduce immigration numbers by eliminating chain migration and the visa lottery. American workers, and not businesses that want low-cost foreign workers, need to be put first in any immigration discussion.

Greg Raven, Apple Valley, CA