Do NOT to sign amnesty Discharge Petition
Please do not sign Discharge Petition for H.Res.774
Recent polling has found that likely midterm voters want real immigration solutions, including an end to chain migration, mandatory E-Verify, and permanent reductions in legal immigration. If the House passes H.Res.774, it will guarantee that none of those things happen.
H.Res.774, introduced by Rep. Jeff Denham, would set up floor votes on four different DACA amnesty proposals.
Make no mistake … this is a clear effort to pass a clean DACA amnesty with no effort to fix the problems that lead to illegal immigration. Rep. Carlos Curbelo has started a Discharge Petition to force a floor vote on H.Res.774.
I urge you NOT to sign this petition and instead work for sensible immigration solutions that have the support of American voters.
Greg Raven, Apple Valley, CA