I hope you will include an end to Chain Migration and the Visa Lottery as part of your DACA proposal. I also hope you will consider adding mandatory E-Verify to the deal.

Mandatory E-Verify is the only way to truly reduce illegal immigration because it cuts off the job magnet. I support increased border security, and I think border security should also be included, but E-Verify is the only way to ensure that there won’t be another amnesty for another group of illegal aliens 10 years from now.

Ending Chain Migration and the Visa Lottery in exchange for a DACA amnesty should be no-brainers. It makes no sense for the United States to continue raffling off 55,000 green cards to foreign citizens through the Lottery. And Chain Migration would allow DACA recipients to sponsor all of their adult family members, multiplying the size of the amnesty.

Please include an end to Chain Migration and the Visa Lottery along with mandatory E-Verify as part of your DACA proposal!

Greg Raven, Apple Valley, CA