There are far too many Americans who can’t find work. Unfortunately, many of these Americans are less-educated or lower-skilled and have far fewer job options than many Americans. Passing H.R. 4340 would help these disadvantaged Americans by ending chain migration and the visa lottery and mandating the use of the E-Verify system.

The United States admits more than 1 million new foreign workers each year and many of these new workers are admitted through the visa lottery and chain migration. Unfortunately, the majority admitted through these programs are less-educated and lower-skilled and compete directly against America’s most disadvantaged workers. This makes it more difficult for these Americans to find work and lowers wages for those who do find jobs.

Mandating the use of the E-Verify system would help to remove the roughly 7 million illegal aliens who work non-agricultural jobs from the workforce. These people are mostly in the construction, manufacturing, and service industries and fill the very jobs that less-educated and lower-skilled Americans would gladly work for a fair wage. Moreover, mandating the use of the E-Verify system would reduce illegal immigration as it would make it far more difficult for illegal aliens to find jobs, removing the key reason for coming to the U.S. illegally.

I hope you will do all you can to help these at-risk Americans. You can start by cosponsoring H.R. 4340!

Greg Raven, Apple Valley, CA