Sen. Ron Johnson’s new legislation, the State Sponsored Visa Pilot Program of 2017, is a travesty on so many levels. Importing 500,000 foreign workers each year will directly harm the more than 9 million Americans who cannot find a full-time job and make it much more unlikely that any of the 95 million Americans outside the labor force will return to it. To make matters worse, the spouses and children of these new foreign workers would receive work permits, adding hundreds of thousands of additional new workers.

On top of this, the bill is an amnesty for illegal aliens as people in the country illegally and those who have been deported can receive a visa. Not only does this bill make it much harder for Americans to find work, but it also rewards illegal behavior.

It’s disappointing that one of your colleagues has introduced legislation that benefits businesses at the expense of millions of American workers. I urge you to oppose Sen. Johnson’s bill and any other bill that harms U.S. workers.

Greg Raven, Apple Valley, CA