No healthcare for illegal aliens
The House Republicans’ decision to replace Obamacare with a a government-run health care exchange that benefits illegal aliens defies all logic. Illegal aliens should not receive any handouts from American taxpayers and I urge you to oppose the GOP’s Obamacare overhaul until stringent verification measures are put in place to prevent illegal aliens from receiving healthcare tax credits or subsidies.
Americans were made a litany of promises when President Obama announced his health care overhaul. Unfortunately, many of these promises were not kept, including the promise that illegal aliens would not be able to receive subsidies or tax credits from the health care exchange. A 2016 Senate report found that as many as 500,000 illegal aliens received $750,000 in taxpayer-funded health care subsidies. This is a travesty and an outrage when one considers that as many as 29 million Americans still lack access to basic health care coverage. It is likely that some Americans without health care are missing out because illegal aliens are receiving tax credits and subsidies they are not entitled to.
Obamacare certainly has its flaws and there is plenty room for improvement. However, making it easier for illegal aliens to receive tax credits and subsidies is not an improvement that needs to be in the Republicans’ health care overhaul. I urge you to oppose any and all efforts to pass this legislation until stringent verification measures are put in place to prevent illegal aliens from receiving health care tax credits or subsidies.
Phone me if you would like to talk about this.
Greg Raven, Apple Valley, CA