Please vote in favor of Sen. Sessions’ nomination for the post of Attorney General. Sen. Sessions has consistently expressed a desire to uphold the law and to make sure our nation’s laws are enforced. He will make a fine attorney general and I urge you to vote to approve his nomination.

Americans depend on having a chief law enforcement official who will guard their interests with a fierce independence from the institutions of power that can sometimes try to abuse that power to encroach on the rights and quality of life of an individual.

Sen. Sessions has repeatedly displayed that kind of independence throughout his Senate career. Moreover, Sen. Sessions took up the pulpit of the late Civil Rights icon Barbara Jordan and her bipartisan U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform by both boldly and carefully championing the interests of the often-forgotten Americans of all races and ethnicities who have been left behind by major shifts in our economy.

Please support his nomination for attorney general.

Phone me if you would like to talk about this.

Greg Raven, Apple Valley, CA