Support ending birthright citizenship
Birthright citizenship leads to more unemployed citizens and legal immigrant workers by making it more difficult to remove illegal workers who have U.S.-born children. Please cosponsor H.R. 140, the Birthright Citizenship Act, to end this practice.
Australia did it in 2007, New Zealand in 2006, Ireland in 2005, France in 1993, and the United Kingdom in 1983. Do you know what all of these nations did in the past 30 years? These nations have passed legislation doing away with birthright citizenship. With Australia’s decision to end birthright citizenship in 2007, the United States and Canada are the only remaining industrialized nations to grant citizenship to each and every person born in the country, regardless of his or her parents’ nationality or immigration status. Clearly, this ever-shrinking group of nations is not one to which we need to belong.
To grant automatic birthright citizenship to the children of illegal aliens is inherently wrong. Almost all of the entire industrialized world has eliminated it and the United States should as well.
I hope you cosponsor H.R. 140, the Birthright Citizenship Act. This legislation would prevent children born in the United States from receiving automatic birthright citizenship unless they have at least one parent who is a legal U.S. resident.
The American people, and our nation’s future generations, are depending on you to do the right thing. Please don’t let us down.
Phone me if you would like to talk about this.
Greg Raven, Apple Valley, CA
P.S. Even though birthright citizenship is not the law in the U.S., we must make this explicit.