It is important that you support H.R. 4218, legislation introduced by Reps. Marsha Blackburn, Lamar Smith, Lou Barletta, and Steve DesJarlais. This bill would temporarily halt the refugee resettlement program and ensure that no terrorists or terrorist sympathizers are admitted. Please do all you can to get this bill passed.

The United Nations recommends that refugees be relocated close to their home country so that they can easily return home when the conflict is over. Relocating refugees thousands of miles is fraught with risks and is prohibitively expensive when you consider that for the cost of relocating one refugee to the U.S., the government can pay for 12 to be housed close to their home country.

On top of this, our government cannot ensure that refugees are not terrorists or terrorist sympathizers. At least one of the Paris attackers came to Europe as a refugee and there is a real danger that the same could happen here. FBI Director Comey has admitted that the U.S. doesn’t have access to the databases required to thoroughly vet refugees.

Refugee resettlement needs to be halted until it can be done securely. Please do all you can to protect our country by supporting H.R. 4218.

Phone me if you would like to talk about this.

Greg Raven, Apple Valley, CA

P.S. While you’re at it, please consider a complete moratorium on all immigration, secure our border, and evict the illegals already here.