We see the problem of anchor babies as a serious flaw in our immigration law. I hope you will take action to end it by cosponsoring S.45 and H.R.140 that would end Birthright Citizenship.

Many open-borders advocates claim that a Constitutional amendment is required to end birthright citizenship. However, this matter is open to debate as many Constitutional scholars say that a simple act of Congress will suffice. What is certain is that once a law is passed, it will end up before the Supreme Court for them to make the final decision.

Laws to end the practice, S. 45 and H.R. 140, are currently before Congress and are worthy of your support. The practice of birthright citizenship attracts millions of illegal aliens to the United States and then allows them to remain in the United States. This must end and I urge you to support these pieces of legislation to make this happen.

Phone me if you would like to talk about this.

Greg Raven, Apple Valley, CA

P.S. Birthright citizenship has never been the law in this country. We need to end the practice immediately.